Posted by Mark Lubbe on


Breast milk is widely considered to be the best food source for a newborn. Loaded with nutrients and protective antibodies, it contains everything needed to defend against infections, prevent allergies and support babies' delicate immune systems and overall health.  

Some women choose not to breastfeed for a variety of reasons (lifestyle, medical) and for those women, formula milk can be a healthy alternative. Other women would like to breastfeed but experience difficulties producing enough milk to fully nourish their babies, so end up weaning early or using formula to top up their supply.  

For mothers looking to increase breast milk supply in a safe, organic and natural way, the answer lies in the leaf of the mighty moringa tree.  

Moringa Leaves


Native to Asia and Africa, the moringa tree (commonly known as 'The Miracle Tree') has been used as a cure-all in traditional societies since ancient times, including being used to fight malnutrition in infants and breast-feeding mothers. 

Widely acknowledged to be the most nutrient-dense food in the world, moringa leaves are rich in 5 essential vitamins & minerals including iron, calcium, vitamins A, E & K. It is also a complete source of plant protein with all 9 essential amino acids, high in fibre and contains exceptionally high levels of antioxidants. 

All of these nutrients but particularly protein, iron, vitamin K and calcium are needed in good supply for new mums, and especially for those who are breastfeeding.

  • Iron is essential for the reduction of tiredness and fatigue - something experienced by the vast majority of new parents for whom sleep deprivation quickly becomes the new norm. New mums are often deficient in iron as they can lose blood during birth, and this can leave to extreme exhaustion and feeling generally weak. A single serving of Moringa Powder contains 46.8% of your iron requirement - so mixing some up into a green smoothie with other leafy greens or taking a shot mixed in apple juice is a great natural way to reduce tiredness and fatigue
  • Calcium is important for strong bones and teeth for both mum and baby. New borns suck up a lot of their mum's calcium supply when breastfeeding so mothers need to supplement to ensure both themselves and their babies are getting the calcium they need for optimum health and growth.
  • Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting and is particularly important for new mums and their babies. Vitamin K is actually given to newborns via an injection or oral tablet when they are born. Vitamin K is also important for new mums post birth who can often be bleeding heavily.


For breastfeeding mothers, undoubtedly one of the most amazing benefits of moringa is that it has been scientifically proven to increase breast milk supply - by as much as 100%.

Moringa leaves are a natural galactagogue - a substance that promotes or increases the flow of a mother's milk. It has been used since ancient times to boost breast milk supply as well as providing a source of nourishment for babies and mums alike.

In 2013, The Philippines Journal of Pediatrics published a report which reviewed the findings of five scientific studies examining moringa and its impact on breast milk supply.

The report reviewed all the published data from five randomised controlled studies and found the "evidence... unanimously concluded that Moringa produces an increase in breast milk volume"

A second study evaluating the use of moringa to increase volume of breast milk among mothers of preterm infants, had similar results. 

There have been no known reported side effects of consuming moringa whilst breastfeeding and most women report only benefits - increased breast milk supply, energy and a stronger immune system. 

If you are on medication, pregnant or trying to conceive however, we recommend speaking to your GP before taking our moringa products. 

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  • Great problem everyone better service!!
    Moringa rocks!!

    Andrew on

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