


Blood Pressure and Energy

Bernice Goliath - Wow ek voel 💯 . My yster is reg my bloedruk is reg en die moegheid is weg!
Priscilla Fish - Yes I have used this for arthritis and I have seen a huge change in my hands and fingers. Stopped taking all the chemist and doctors medications 😁so moringa definitely works!!!!
Joint Pain
Delien Malgas - I don't know if I had arthritis cause it's a family illness but I had a constant shortage of iron and stress and after being tested positive last year August with Covid I had joint pain and high blood pressure, diabetic. I received my order on Monday and immediately started to use it, and I can feel the difference, my joints are no longer in pain.
Olinda Cerff - Ek drink die moringa kapsules en dit help regtig vir my rumatiek en dis ook ñ algemene vitamins en minerals aan vulling in een..
Algemene gesondheid
Jan Schoeman - Ek gebruik die kapsules al n jaar of meer en meeste van my skete is skoonveld. Moes skouer operasie ondergaan en die pyn het net eenvoudig verdwyn.
CA sufferer
Suiker telling verlaag
Herman En Annette Bosman - Gebruik ook die MORINGA  al vir so 3maande en my suikertelling het drasties gedaal en ek is dankbaar dat ek dit ook gekry het!
Suiker telling verlaag
Catherin Roules - Ek gebruik die tablette en moet erken my suiker van 25 na 9, ek voel n heel ander mens en het ook baie energie. Dankie Moringa
Sugar levels stable
Mariam Malie Haroin - I’m on it for 2 months now it regulates my sugar levels and I lost 2 kilos without dieting such a plus and my health in general been good I will definitely recommend it fantastic product👌
Dogs sugar levels under control
Rozelle Franken - We use the powder for our diabetic dog over her food and does wonders for her sugar levels.
Happy customer
Cedclan Solomons - Good Morning, Just received my order.
As a first time customer, I would like to congratulate you, for your highly impressive service delivery.I have been very impressed by your high level of service and genuine consideration for me as a customer. In this day and age good customer service is often difficult to find, and I feel it is important that it be recognized. Your personalized customer service and hospitality were really appreciated. While we are sometimes quick to criticize when we don’t get the service we believe we deserve, it is also important to give credit when we do receive exceptional service.
I can assure you, you will receive much more orders from myself and I would gladly recommend you to my family and friends.
Thank you for making this experience a good one and for providing such an absolutely superior service.
Looking forward to continuing doing business with you.
Ekseem verdwyn
Roelien Kruger Neuville - My ekseem (wat ek seker 20jaar gehad het) het verdwyn na twee weke se gebruik van Moringa. Net een maand gebruik, dis al weg van Maart maand af.
Happy customer
Patrick Mandlenkosi Dlamini - I have received my order for Testo boost with Ashwagandha in very good condition, I am impressed by your service, keep up the good work.I was expecting delivery on Thursday or Friday but to my surprise it was an overnight service. Keep it up!
Happy customer
Marielou Pretorius - Thank you so much yet again great service.
Happy customer
Thami Mkandaweri - Thank you so much. I 100% appreciate your excellent service.
Lowered Blood Pressure
Tony van der Veen - Hi Barbara, I received the Moringa today with many thanks.
Your service and generous offer is exemplary. My wife had always been the one using it for hereditary high blood pressure, and by some weird coincidence I was diagnosed with it 2 weeks ago. We have always eaten very well and eat all the recommended high blood pressure foods anyway, and I have always had abnormally low blood pressure. But when I went for my first Covid jab we could not get my blood pressure down so they sent me to the doctor who confirmed it. I then started experimenting using our blood pressure monitor, with the Moringa, and the pharmaceutical prescribed by my GP. I found that the pharma did nothing at all, and that a sip of Moringa, followed by a 40 minute walk was the only combination that actually lowered my blood pressure,
So, good stuff!! We will continue to be daily users.
Tevrede klient
Hi Goeiedag Wil net dankie se vir julle flinke diens! Pakkie vandag ontvang. Baie dankie! Ek waardeur die moeite en flinke diens. Sal beslis weer gebruik maak, Keep going strong. Barend
Knee pain
Sivy Govender - I also take the Moringa tonic and it has helped tremendously with my knee pain. I love it. I recommended it to my family, and now most of them take it and have seen results.
Happy Customer
Celia Jakins - I have been using Moringa for a few years now. Makes me feel wonderful!!!
Overall health improved
Faye Thomas - I swear by this. The health benefits are incredible. Been taking it for 1 yr. My skin glows. My hair is beautiful. I'm just healthy..
Alison Burger Wessels - I have Osteoarthritis, and Moringa has changed my life, I've been using moringa for a year now, and it's amazing to walk and move and get out of bed in the mornings. I'm almost totally off my meds for my arthritis. I also had covid, and I still took my Moringa super juice every morning. I believe it's also strengthen my immune system to heal from covid. And with prayers and support from family and friends and Moringa I feel good and healed
Overall health improved
Faye Thomas - I can't sing the praises of this superfood enough. You take moringa everyday like I do.. You will never need a Dr.. I'm 65 years old.. I feel 45..its my drug of choice for everything.
Energy Levels 
Rosie Nana Wilson - It helped me and my energy levels and stamina have also increased. Thank you so much 
Autoimmune Disease/Thyroiditis
Lara N Richard Hartshorne - I love this product. I use it for autoimmune (Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis) with underlying anemia and insulin resistance. Never felt so good and for the first time in a long time I'm able to lose weight. For years I've been exercising and watching what I eat but due to autoimmune I cannot lose the weight. Now I've dropped to my lowest weight and fat % and highest muscle % since 2018 in just 2months! I also feel so much better in terms of energy and overall health (those that have autoimmune will confirm you always feel like you're coming down with something or always in pain. Since taking Moringa I have minimal pain and overall wellness is up). I have recommended it to family members who are now taking it and feel a difference. Highly recommend this product!
Happy Customer
Tinus Dannhauser - Baie dankie. Ons het vandag ons aflewering gekry. Dis uitstekende diens dankie!
Immune System Booster
Lorrayne Fine -  Been on Moringa for more than 8 years and endorse the immune booster properties.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sanette Clarke -  Using it 2 years now for my Rheumatoid Arthritis and no other prescription meds or painkillers, and I can move freely!
Happy Customer / Delivery Service
Eleanor Xaso -  Thanks sooo much. I have just received my Moringa. That was very professional of you to honour your word of "Speedy Delivery"
Wonderful Product
Tiaan Fourie - Awesome service as always...The product is awesome and I believe it has protected us, specially our staff who travel daily! Regards
Product Efficiency
Vic Marais - Goedjies werk
Happy Customer
Babette Cordier - I would just like to say thank you for the speedy response and delivering the medication so fast I got it this morning and could not believe the fast services. I was very impressed with the service. Thank you
Back Pain
Martin Ntsieng - My mom (75 years old) had a terrible backache and was struggling to walk, she started using it more than a month ago and pains are disappearing and started to walk again
Tenoff Pae - I took it for a month and conceived after I had been trying for 4 years! 
Happy Customer
Beverley Baker - I am speechless! My parcel was just delivered. This is what I call service. Thank you very much, may you be blessed.
Happy Customer
Rassie - Baie dankie vir julle flinke diens. Ek het my pakkie vanoggend gekry. Puik diens
Diabetes / Sugar Levels
Leslie Morris - Moringa reduced my sugar levels from 17.6 tot between 5.1 and 6.7 for the past 3 weeks. Once you do Moringa you will never go back!
Swollen Feet / Painful Joints
George Izaaks - My wife has been using Moringa for about 4 months now and it has been fantastic, She used to suffer every night with swelling feet and knees and painful joints. From about a week after she started using Moringa there has been no pain and no swelling. She is very happy with this.
Happy Customer
Antoinett Van Rooyen - This product is AMAZING !! Also, the client service is OUTSTANDING!
Happy Customer
Bev van Niekerk - Wow what excellent service. Placed my order yesterday and this afternoon the parcel was delivered.
Thank you
Watch this space for feedback on the product.
Happy Customer
B van Niekerk - What can I say except blown away by the service. Ordered the product yesterday and already delivered.
Thank you
Swelling / Joint Pain
Vanessa - Thank God for Moringa!
For years I suffered with pains in my knees and feet, with swelling ankles every night. It was quite depressing and I felt miserable every evening.
I tried other supplements like MSM, it seemed to help a bit but I was still not happy.
Then I found Moringa within a week of taking it I notice a remarkable difference!
No more pain, no more swelling, and I stopped all the other expensive supplements too. I recommend it to everyone - just try it of a month. It's like a miracle cure.
Wonderful Product 
Nicky Krause - Excellent product, been using for 4 years. Stopped for 6 months and it was the worst months of my life. Thanks Moringa for changing my life!
Diabetes / Covid
Bonny - I am a huge advocate for your product, my daughter and mom very skeptical at first, after my granddaughter was diagnosed with Diabetes type 1 in April I convinced my daughter to put her on this with approval from her specialist, he told us it’s not been medically tested but we can try. Let me tell you her hair has started growing back, its definitely helping her glucose levels.
My mom was on her death bed with Covid and has been on oxygen permanently for 3 months, I convinced her to take the super juice extract and she is off the oxygen now for 3 weeks.
So thank you thank you for an amazing product, may you all be blessed in abundance!
Happy Customer
Jane - Wow, your service is great! I ordered yesterday morning and received my order today. I am very impressed, thank you so much.
God bless you all.
Happy Customer
Arthur - I would just like to thank you and the whole Moringa Team for the excellent service I got from you since yesterday. I placed my order yesterday and I received it today, I am so grateful and I will even thank you on social media. We're living in difficult times now and really I still have hope if we get this type of service from some one who don't know from a bar of soap.
I will always remember and be thankful for what you did for me, it was my very first ever ordered something online..
Thank you, thank you 1million times for the Excellent Service.
Sugar Levels
Patrick Anderson - Works for me since taking the capsules my sugar levels in conjunction with my sugar medication has dropped to acceptable levels 👍
Wonderful Product
Celia Jakins - I have been using Moringa for a few years now. Makes me feel wonderful!!!
Blood Pressure / Blood Sugar
Nathalie - I would really like to thank Moringa. My mom's health, especially her blood pressure and blood sugar levels, has been constant since she started using Moringa Life! And she hasn't been struggling to maintain it.... the results have just been amazing!
Swollen Feet / Geswelde Voete / Allrounder
Loni Du Toit - Gebruik n maand al en ABSOLUUT WONDERLIK.
Colon Support 
Kobie Du Toit - Dit is fantasies het dit ook gebruik dis goed vir baie siektes ook vir kolon!
Wonderfu Product / Allrounder
Loni Du Toit - Wonderlik!!!! Presies dieselfde met my!!!! Nou besig met my 2de houer Sal NOOIT WEER SONDER DIT WEES NIE!!!!!!
Petro Joubert - Gebruik dit nou 'n maand lank, ek kon nie sonder 'n trollie in die mall loop nie. Nou loop ek sonder dit!!! Ek het elke aand pynpille gedrink en my kniee met icy hot gesmeer. Erg arthritis gehad, en nou geen pyn. Kan al 30 min lank oefen / fiets trap en voel sommer goed!
Joint Pain / Arthritis
Petro Joubert  - Used it for a month now. Was not able to walk without a Trollie in the mall. Walking without it now. I drank pain pills every night and rubbed my knees with icy hot I had severe arthritis. Now I am pain free and able to exercise for 30 minutes, cycle and I feel wonderful!
Happy Customer
Maggie van der Wielen - Excellent SERVICE Have not experience this service in SA ever!! Well done I received my parcel, Thank you
Happy Customer
Ree Fisher: Good morning. I received my Moring package this morning, very pleased indeed, I will definitely order again going forward and recommend your products to my friends! Have a wonderful day
Immune Support / Covid
Bridget Jelliman - I agree my husband recently had Covid (74), since he came out of hospital I have been giving him Moringa 3x a day, for the past 3 weeks the results speak for themselves. Almost ready to go back and play golf.
Happy Customer
Mike Zaka  - Thank you very much for your great service. I have no doubt in my mind that I am going to enjoy good health and my membership with Moringa Life will endure for a long, long time. I consider myself very lucky to have crossed your pathway. Stay blessed as an organization.
Thulani Zengele - I had an elbow gout attack yesterday and had two teaspoons for the first time. Today the pain is gone without taking Colchicine.
Happy Customer 
Bernadette Gie - I agree. Myself and Hubby have been using it for about two years now and find it just amazing! We can definitely feel the difference.
Happy Customer 
Beverley Baker - Thank you I have received my order.
You once again pleasantly surprised me with your excellent customer service.
May you be continuously be blessed.
Happy Customer 
Janita Singh - Agree completely... I've been ordering from them for years and still never failed to impress me with their service.
Happy Customer
Keith Blond - Ordered delivered now 9.38 am 24th Dec . What an awesome service . I am in awe of Moringa & I applaud you guys it's phenomenal service.
A Merry Christmas.
Happy Customer 
Martin De Jager  - Excellent service thank you!
Happy Customer 
Helene Camissar - I ordered online on Sunday night. My order was at my door this morning !!! What an absolute pleasure!!! Been using the product for a year already !!!
Happy Customer 
Watson Marks - Excellent service wow, ordered yesterday morning today got my parcel.
Body Pain / Weight Loss
Bernadette Biba Bray - I've been drinking Moringa since last year (November 2019). After the first 2 weeks, I have lost 3 and a half kilos. I've also lost a lot of fluid in my body. I was also feeling some pains in my feet and arms this mainly due to my physical work as a nurse which was gone. Moringa has proved to be the best for me! I now use the moringa in smoothies etc. I've introduced this product to others especially people with health issues. What I will say is that you need to take Moringa every day to feel the benefits and for your energy level to be at its best.
Pain in Legs / Hip Replacement
Ethel Webster van Staden - I have been on this product for only 2 days and can say it works for me! No pain in Upper leg on hip replacement side for 2 days!
IBS / Stomach Pain
Shanwyne Trimble Pillay - recommends Moringa Life!
Wonderful product! It has helped me so much! I have only been on Moringa for two weeks now but I can honestly feel the impact it has made on my life. I have chronic IBS and been struggling now for 19 months with my tummy after I got severe food poisoning and with that 19 months of constant medication and different herbal treatments. I must say, I can take a break now. I hope it helps many other people out there with chronic issues as it has been helping me!
Happy Customer
Berenice Collins - Definitely works!!!! CA sufferer, would recommend! 
Yster te Kort
Anette Ehmke  - Absoluut glo ek daaraan en drink dit elke dag. Danksy Moringa, sit ek nog hier! Dokters het my verlede jaar Augustus huis toe gestuur met geen hoop op herstel nie! 24/7 op suurstof was my voorland. Ek het weer Moringa begin gebruik en whalla! Hier sit ek, geen suurstof en gaan aan met my lewe. Ek wil net ook noem ek moes ten minste 2 keer per jaar, of soms meer, bloedoortappings kry oor my ysyer net verdwyn. Dit alles is nou reg, ek het begin verlede jaar laas bloed gekry! Wonderlik!
Knee / Joint Pain
Sivy Govender - This is so true, I’ve been suffering from knee pain for a long time, since I started having the moringa juice the pain just vanished. I can now move freely with no pain. Really an excellent product 
Happy Customer
Helene Camissar - I ordered online on Sunday night. My order was at my door this morning !!! What an absolute pleasure!!! Been using the product for a year already!!!
Energy Booster
Edna Hoffe - Really good as it gives me so much energy. Taking it for years already.
Overall Health
Liebel Ritchie - Been using Moringa since Oct 2019.....threw away all prescription drugs! This is just the BEST PRODUCT EVER! Takes a while to work but CANT be without it!
Happy Customer
Dorothy van der Merwe - Hi Barbara, I have just received my order. I hope these capsules are in line with the efficiency and expeditious service. I am highly impressed!
Happy Customer / Customer Service
Linda - I would just like to thank Moringa for the superb service rendered. Our order was delivered in under 24 hours of the order being placed, and we do not live in or near any city.Definitely a pleasure doing business with you. Thank you.
Henk van Jaarsveld - Thank you for the update. I have been using your product for awhile now. Even my Diabetic friend has seen a change in the use of insulin. I am telling everyone about the product
Energy and Wellbeing
Asma Harrison - I'm using the the moringa capsules and I'm feeling good have so much energy. I'm 75th yrs old and feel the difference in my wellbeing! thanks Moringa ❤
Diabetes / Blood Sugar Levels
Johann Olivier - I have been using Moringa powder with excellent results. Blood sugar regular at 5.2. I have been off chronic meds for type 2 diabetes for 3 years now.
Happy Customer / Customer Service
Riana - Good day Barbara. Thanking you for kind, speedy service, as always & most of all for WONDERFUL PRODUCTS!! 
Happy Customer / Customer Service
Henk - Good day, I have just received my parcel. Really this is now service with a huge smile and even the Courier staff is so friendly and helpful. This will definitely nor be my last order. 
Happy Customer / Customer Service
Beverley Smith - Thank you, ordered yesterday and parcel delivered this afternoon. Incredible service!!
Happy Customer / Customer Service
Nathi White - I have to comment here also. You guys are very professional and the courier services are exceptional!
Customer Service / Delivery 
Howard Palm - Same day service is almost unheard of, well done and thank you.
Epilepsie / Swelling
Tiekie Opperman  - My kind se bene het geswel van water dat haar bene stukkend gehaan het en sere gemaak het. Haar bene en voete het gelyk of hulle deurskynend is. Sy gebruik Moringa nou 5 maande en haar voete en bene het niks meer water nie en sy is n Epilepsie lyer sy gebruik dir saam met haar medikasie en het geen newe efekte nie!
Diabetes / Sugar Levels 
Debbie Rogers - Dear Barbara - Thank you for my Moringa. I have just come back from the Post Office. I can't wait to start on my new batch. Moringa has changed my life. I've tried so many things in the past that have not worked. My sugar levels are starting to get better. I have never had a sugar level under 10. Even with my daily sugar tablets. I have been without my Maringa for 3 days as I was waiting for my new bottle. Just had my first dosage. Since taking Moringa juice concentrate for Diabetes my sugar is between 8.2 to. 8.9
I'm so happy with my Moringa! Started my new bottle on Friday (Valentines day) and feel great. The constant pain I have had in my body for the last two years is so much better and I had pain under my right foot. That has also lifted and is almost gone now! And as I also said my sugar levels are almost in control and has never been under 10 for more than 3 years!!!!
Dorothy Cox Ross- Helps for my husbands Fibromyalgia
Kidney Stones 
Mukarim Habin - I had kidney stones and for almost two years I had been on medication to alleviate the symptoms which cost R 96.00 per day! However, the doctor informed me that 4-5 years from now, I may have to undergo operation. A friend told me to try Moringa. That was my first encounter with it but I was skeptical about it and thought that he might just be bragging. After 15 days of religiously drinking it, I went to my doctor for check and I was very surprised that my kidney stones were powdered. Another 15 days passed, I went back for check up and this time the stones were 100% gone. My office workers have been suffering from hypertension, arthritis, and other complicated symptoms. I introduced Moringa to them and miraculously, the symptoms gradually disappears. I strongly believe that I have to share what I found to others and somehow it became my duty to tell others!
Blood Sugar Levels / Immune System
Anja Van Niekerk - Moringa has made a major impact on my blood sugar levels as well as inflammation. Will never use any other supplements. This is a all-in-one. I even missed the flu-season so strong is my immune system!
General Health
Nonceba Hlohla - I use Moringa tablets now, I change from moringa leaves. Wow they take me to another level of health💪💪
Algeme Gesondheid / Suurstof
Anette Ehmke - Ek was in 2020 baie, baie siek met 'n vooruitsig van 'n suurstofmasjien 24/7 en 'n inwonende hulp. Wel ek het in Julie begin Moringa drink, getrou elke dag (danksy my hulp wat my dogter is), en vandag is ek vry van die masjien en gebruik dit net as ek slaap. As jy nog twyfel, MOENIE! Kan saam met enige medikasie gebruik word want dis 100% natuurlik! Ek drink dit nogsteeds elke dag om my suurstof vlakke stabiel te hou.
Blood Sugar / Weight Loss
Sibongile Mthembu - Moringa is the best, I'm taking tablets my sugar is low than before and I have lost weight!!!
Wonderful Product
Madeneyah Basardien - Very effective works like a bomb!!
Rheumatoid Arthritis 
Marlene Du Plessie - Dit werk regtig vir my man wat Rheumatoid Arthritis baie erg het!!!
High Blood Pressure / Energy
Cheryl Van Wyk - I have been using Moringa for 4 years and no more high blood pressure problems!
Also its helped to energize me!
Stroke / General Health
Sandra - I'm using Moringa after suffered a stroke and I feel on top of the world!
Bloed Suiker / Energie
Alda Botha - Drie maande gesukkel met suiker wat nie wil stabiliseer nie, drink nou die derde dag Moringa. My bloedsuiker is in plek. Ek het verlede jaar 23 kg verloor as gevolg van Moringa! Gebruik net die ware Moringa Life produk, nie die nagemaakte een nie. Beveel aan vir mense wat nie energie het dit laat voel jou ongelooflik! Jy bly net aan werk! Baie goeie produk!!!!
Arthritis / Joint Pain
Mariki Lessing - I have been using the Moringa Juice for about two and a half weeks now and my arthritis is already much better. Getting some quality life back, didn't think it was ever going to change again! I teach music at a Pre- and Primary school in Midrand and it involves a lot of movement which was becoming impossible. For the last week I could move and dance with the kids again. Amazing!
Inflammation and Body Pain
Linah Masina - Its's amazing really ! I also drank a bottle Moringa and ate Seeds, there's a great improvement in the inflammation pains in my hips.
Wonderful Product
Gaorute John Lebelo - It works wonders in my life!!!
Painful Spine / Blood Sugar
Faiza Jaftha - I'm using Moringa for 2 yrs now and it helps me for spine that's painful and my blood sugar levels!
Wonderful Product
Tholiwe Guenga - It works wonders
Wonderful Product 
Vance Reddy - Excellent it work's for myself and my hubby.. 🙏🙏🙏
Diabetes / High Blood Pressure
Trustee Makwakwa - I'm Diabetic with high blood pressure also. Since I took Moringa my sugar levels are very good and my high blood is normal thanks to Moringa!
Gewrig pyne
Ansie De Bruto Fourie - Glo my dit is wonderlik ek gebruik dit en my knieë gee my nie meer hel nie.
Vomiting and Diarrhea
Shahida Sousa - My 11 year old son had diarrhea and was vomiting. He became pale and weak. I gave him Moringa his colour came back immediately!!! 
Pain Relief
Colleen Tomsett - I take 7 capsules a day and no pain or pain killers in over 2 weeks and only on my second bottle yay!
Health Supplement / Better Sleep
Miranda Van Der Merwe - I use Moringa Oleifera and it's a vitamin supplement and it works wonders for me! I even sleep much better at night. Thanks Moringa Life
Blood Pressure / Blood Sugar
Nathalie - I would really like to thank Moringa! My mom's health, especially her blood pressure and sugar has been constant since she started using Moringa life and she hasn't been struggling to maintain it. The results have just been amazing!

Diabetes / Blood Sugar

Josie De Lange - I am a tipe 2 diabetic. My sugar level was between 13 and 15 sometimes as high as 19 and after 1 week of using the capsules it went down to 9. Many thanks to Moringa!


Diabetes / Blood Sugar

Sandi, Howick - Moringa is fantastic, I've just had my 3 monthly Type 1 Diabetic check up and I've been on the Moringa for just over 2 months. Not only were my Diabetic readings the best they have ever been, but my cholesterol has completely cleared and weight has dropped. Really worth giving this real old fashioned remedy a try!


Body Pain / Wellbeing

Rina Swart - Helps for our pains and aches, as well as our overall well being.


Joint Pain / Knee Pain

Pat Jansen van Vuuren - I also had pains in my knees and could not climb steps. Just completed my second bottle and still going strong. Will recommend to anyone to use!
Sore Legs / Body Pain
Lorna Tshuta - I have tried many medication, Moringa was my last hope ! When I bought the Moringa Capsules I was taking a chance. To my surprise I am fresh, just like in my 20's and I only started using them in January. I recommended them to my friends who are complaining about their pains, my legs were so sore I could not walk but now I am a new person! Thank you Moringa Life!
Menopause / Hot Flashes
Petro Smit Theron - My hot flashes is iets van die verlede vandat ek Moringa extract gebruik, ek beveel dit verseker aan vir al die dames met dieselfde probleem!
Happy Customer
Christian J Neumann - Just received my order. Your ordering and delivery system working First Class! Now for the trial of the product!!! Thank you
Elzabe Opperman Durbanville Cape Town
Hi there, MORINGA LIFE IS A TRUE MIRACLE and I saw it with my own eyes! My housekeeper’s husband Themba Mavusa (56 yrs) was diagnosed and have been struggling with severe diabetes and became very ill. He ended up at the clinic every 2nd week and in May 2019 the Dr prescribed insulin AND he was given a machine to test his sugar. On the 07th May he stood in our kitchen with his machine so that we could help him use it for the 1st time. We tested his sugar and it was 20.1 - scary! On the 10th May my sister told Themba about MORINGA LIFE. We ordered his first bottle on 11th May which they delivered in 15 May. He started using it on 16 May and his sugar was 20. He drinks 5ml x 3 per day before meals. His sugar levels have dropped significantly when we tested it: 17 May = 7.9   24 May = 7     03 June = 6      05 June = 4.4      08 June = 4.2
Diabetes is such a serious illness but THIS is a real miracle!!! 
Colin Powell - Still taking it, no more headaches. Definitely helped with inflammation and cravings. And yes I do love surprises😁😁😁
Diabetes / Blood Sugar
Gefrey van Rooyen - My blood sugar came down from 10 and 11 to six and five!!
Diabetes / Blood Sugar
Alida Meyer - My husband uses 20 units insulin less per day since he started using Moringa. He feels much better.
Breathing Problems
Bernise Jacobs - I have been taking the above since 3 March - 1 x teaspoon a day, and have definitely experienced a difference. I am a runner and used to have difficulty breathing - this has definitely improved and my overall wellbeing is really getting better. 
Overall Health
Thokazani Nzama - I feel a huge difference in my body too since I started drinking supplement it really does wonders
Low Blood Pressure
Josephine Mafoko - I'm drinking moringa every day no more low blood pressure and I am feeling strong!
Diabetes / Blood Sugar Levels
Ivor Jasper - My wife is also drinking the Moringa and it dropped her blood sugar levels big time!!! 
Overall Health 
Keutimetse Mthukwane - Very good and healthy product, my friends and myself have been using it for years now.
Gout and Arthritis
Wesmon Gerber - I have tried numerous over the counter remedies for my Gout and Osteo Arthritis, which only provided mild short relief. 
I have been using Moringa now for many years, and not only do I not get Gout anymore, my Arthritis is 99% 'gone'. I got a bonus from using Moringa, in that I am now free of sinusitis. Wonderful, wonderful product and now I have my hubby on the Good Green Leaf !
Lactose Intolerance 
Chrysal Janse van Rensburg - Hi, thank you, same to you. It working well thank you, I sleep better and my stomach is better, no more lactose intolerance. I'm coping very well with all the stress at work, way better than I thought I would. I recommended moringa to other people who are using it now and feeling the difference. I will never not use it anymore.
Blood Sugar Levels
Irill Hymphrey van Niekerk - Kathy and myself have been taking it for 6 weeks now. I am so pleased that the sugar has come down, and I can use my fingers now!!! I do a lot of crochet, etc..😁
Happy Customer
Trish Muldoon Geldenhuys - Love my moringa!!!
Arthritis / Diabetes
Irill Humphrey van Niekerk - I have been using it for almost two months. It has has helped with my Arthritis and my type 2 Diabetes as well. My blood sugar levels was 8.3, 7.8, then 6.'s and latest READING 5.5 and that is after eating a 5 Star chocolate bar....whoop whoop!
Malebo Mphake-Mekgwe - I bought a bottle of Moringa for Arthritis and Gout for my sister. She says she is feeling well generally after the second dose and the pains have reduced drastically!
Pain in Feet / Blood Pressure
Lindy-Lou Loock - I've been using the Moringa for a month now. I had endless problems with painful feet, actually started losing feeling in the tips of my toes. Had blood tests done for Gout, Diabetes, Arthritis, which were all negative. The doctor prescribed Lyrica which had such bad side effects, flushed the pills down the toilet (very expensive flush!). The pain is 90% less at this stage, my feet also don't swell as much as it used to. Excessive sweating also 50% better. I have a pacemaker and suffers from high blood pressure and cholesterol, did a test a week ago - skipped the high blood pills for the weekend, blood pressure stayed normal! I will never be without Moringa again! I have most of my friends on it already. Excellent product!
Diabetes / Blood Sugar Levels
Alida Meyer - My husband has type 2 diabetes. He injects. Within 2 weeks since he started using Moringa, his diabetes is totally under control and uses 20 units of insulin less a day. His overall condition is improving daily.
Diabetes / Neuropathy
Fred Steinberg - I used a whole bottle in one month and 3 capsules in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. I had "half dead" feet due to diabetes. I have 90% feeling back.
Mpisi Mkomati Mkomat - It helped me in my stage 2 diabetes and also in blood pressure and diarrhea. it's helpful to me!
Bloed Suiker 

Christy Ncube- Goed EK drink elke more en my bloed suiker is van 9.6 na 4.5
Algemene Gesondheid
Magdeleen Richter - Dus baie goed,ek kon die verskil voel aan my gesondheid.

Wonderful Product 

Cassy Frost - So amazed by this product! Only downside is my body doesn't like alcohol or caffeine or sweet things anymore. But hey, I'm not complaining 



Johan Hamman - I will never be able to go without Moringa again, it cured my psoriasis for good!


Wonderful Product 

Angelo Smyth - I can vouch for this product, throw all other multi vits away and use this one only, truth be told, you WILL be amazed at the difference. No I don't work for Moringa Life, I have personal experience with this product, and it's the best one.


Overall Health 
Cassy Frost - Moringa Life I am amazed by this product. I used 2 capsules on Saturday evening and could feel the benefits. I had a deeper sleep. I woke up with ease after 5 hours of sleep and had a great day! Today I've felt energized too! Hopefully your special offer is still on come pay day!



Cindy Walker Kritzinger - Blood sugar is more stable. I am a type 2 diabetic..


Diabetes / Hot Flushes

Roelien Rosslee - Saw my doctor this morning and I don't have to inject insulin anymore, after only 2 months! Also total relief on the hot flushes.


High Blood Pressure
Rizalde Gazcon -  I’m 45 years old and had been suffering from high blood pressure with a usual reading of 200/110. I had been feeling weak and could not walk long distance without feeling dizzy and shortness of breath. After two months of drinking Moringa Tea, my blood pressure dropped to 110/85 and I no longer experience the shortness of breath and dizziness every time I walk longer. It really works for me and I feel that the more I drink the tea the better my body will become.


Tony C - I have type 2 diabetes for almost 30 years and I have been taking insulin shots twice a day. I had to strictly adhere to my prescribed diet otherwise I will succumbed to a sort of an attack. After two weeks of drinking Moringa Tea, my blood sugar count dropped. After a month of drinking, my doctor told me to take insulin shots only as needed, i.e. only when my blood sugar reaches a certain level.


Juliet C - I was hospitalized for tuberculosis and urinary infections. The antibiotics cost more than P 450.00 per capsule and I had to take five different kinds of medicines. The symptoms would subside but after a while, blood came out when I coughed. A friend let me try Moringa and she told me that it has anti-tuberculosis and anti-bacterial properties. I tried it. My health has improved. I also tried to make the used tea as feminine wash and the itchiness brought by the infection subsided. I took more of the tea because it was a lot cheaper, and miraculously the itchiness was completely gone and I no longer have the symptoms of tuberculosis. Until now, I have been taking Moringa tea because it has helped me a lot and I want to boost my immune system so that I will be totally cured.


Kidney Stone
Bebbie L - Last year, I noticed that I had difficulty urinating and experienced lower back pain. My medical examination showed kidney stones. After a month of drinking Moringa Tea, the ultra sound result showed that my kidney stones were powdered and only few remained. Few months of habitually drinking Moringa tea, my kidney functions a lot better. I can urinate normally and don’t suffer lower back pain anymore!



Rannie Torres - My knees were really painful especially if I eat something oily. I am also hypertensive. My daughter introduced Moringa Tea to me and I just took the tea religiously. Right now, I don’t have pains on my knees and other joints and my blood pressure has been stable.


My A1C dropped from 10.8 to 7.5!

Antonnetta - Thank you for introducing me to Moringa! I was having a hard time keeping my sugar under control and prior to June my A1C was running 10.8. After taking Moringa capsules for 3 months, June 2018 – August 2018, I had to take my A1C test again in September. My A1C had dropped from 10.8 to 7.5! I was so proud! My goal is for my Doctor to say I’m off the insulin and there’s no sign of sugar by 2019.


Moringa has reduced my diabetic medications

Jacqueline J - I am so excited about the incredible results I am experiencing since I started using the Moringa supplement only 120 days ago. My doctor has reduced my diabetic medications from one injection daily to one injection once a week; she changed my oral prescriptions from two tablets twice a day to only two tablets once daily. I have lost five pounds without trying. I gave up my fat burning tablets. I’m not dieting anymore. My eating habits have changed only because I have lost the desire to eat certain foods that I had no business eating anyway. I love this Moringa supplement!!! I am a faithful user for life!!!


My hair has grown back strong

Yvonne T - One year ago I was on the borderline for diabetes. The doctor told me to lose weight. I did none of that and over time I started losing my hair. I began taking Moringa and after three months, I had another blood test. It was perfect. The doctor was amazed! I had to do another test; they wanted to be sure they did not make any mistakes. After confirming the same results, he said continue doing what you are doing! The moringa does wonders for me, my energy is much better now. After 6 months of taking moringa, my hair has grown back strong and is now down to my shoulders. I will always keep taking my moringa.


My doctor said whatever I’m doing I should continue doing it

Marlene B, I have been taking your Moringa capsules for a while now. It has been a tremendous help to my health. I’m diabetic and since I’ve been taking the moringa capsules my A1C dropped from 7.4 to 6.2. My doctor said whatever I’m doing I should continue doing it. I’ve noticed my nails have gotten stronger and my skin is so much smoother than before. There has been a positive difference in my everyday life from taking these moringa capsules. I recommend them to everyone.


Sped up my metabolism and helped with my diabetes

Cozette - Moringa Oleifera is one of the best products I could ever have come across. It not only has sped up my metabolism but it has also helped with my diabetes. For those of you hesitating about trying any of the products The Moringa Group carries, I can assure you, the end result you will receive will be unforgettable. The product is great, the customer service on receiving the product is speedy. Stop hesitating and buy the product!


I immediately noticed a feeling of get-up-and-go

Steve M - Prior to taking moringa, I typically started my day in a less than inspired way. After my first morning taking it, I immediately noticed a feeling of get-up-and-go! It wasn’t an anxious feeling but more of a “wow, I feel great!” and was anticipating the day ahead. I didn’t feel sluggish like I typically felt. It was almost a joyful feeling and I knew I had found what I was looking for in this product! Even more so… I was anticipating that feeling with every cup [of tea]! Awesome product!


I take fewer naps and sleep solid through the night

Cindy C - After only a few weeks [of taking] moringa, I’m already noticing the benefits of this superfood! The first thing I noticed was appetite suppression. My nails are longer and stronger as opposed to cracking and breaking. My bathroom habits are healthy and very regular. My mood has improved even though I struggle with mental illness. I’ve noticed spurts of energy throughout the day. I take fewer naps and sleep solid through the night. I’m pleased to have experienced an increase in my libido! I will continue drinking the tea and taking the moringa capsules as well as tracking the benefits as I’m sure I will notice more health improvements as I maintain my daily regimen.


Nova Rementiso - My grandmother, Teodora Briones had a stroke for the third time which rendered her incapacitated, she cannot talk and cannot even wiggle her hands and feet. After she was discharged from Chong Hua Hospital, a friend introduced Moringa ysp Condensed Powder Tea. Although we were quite skeptical about its effect, we let her try. After 1 week & 4 days of drinking the tea, my grandmother was able to get up from her bed by herself and she could move her hands and feet as well as utter a few words. We were really amazed and as of today, she can move around. We are very thankful that such herbal tea is able to be of great help for people like us who can barely sustain our basic needs, much more for medication.


Menstrual Pain
Dr Bronwyn Ceniza - A week before my menstrual period, I always have severe stomach cramps and migraine. I tried Moringa ysp Condensed Powder Tea and it relieved me of my monthly ordeal. As a dentist, I prescribed my patient to put Moringa ysp Condensed Powder Tea on top of the wound caused by tooth extraction. When I examined my patient after three days, the wound was completely dry and it really shrank to the extent that it was no longer noticeable.


Brain Tumor
Mr Herman Gontinas - I felt numbness in my body, my blood pressure went up, seizure like that of an epileptic, and literally passed out. My CT scan result showed that I have a 4.7 cm x 4.4 tumor close to my brain. Hospitalization and medication were expensive and yet, they didn’t save me from the recurring bouts of the seizure among other symptoms. I discovered Moringa ysp Condensed Powder Tea. It has been two weeks since I have been religiously drinking the tea and the symptoms did not recur. I’m feeling a lot better now and I’m very positive that when I go back to my doctor for check up, a remarkable difference will be noticed.


Zosima Talisi - My monthly period lasts longer than normal and I have been very pale which prompted me to consult a doctor. My ultrasound result showed myoma measuring 7.5 cm and 4 cm. Medication is expensive and a friend introduced Moringa Tea to me. After three days of trying, I experienced frequent urination, stomach pain as if there was something going on inside me. Then, I realized I was undergoing a healing crisis or reaction to cure considering that I took so many medications already and I didn’t feel any remarkable difference. I am confident that by taking the tea consistently, I will fully recover.


Gall Bladder Stone
May Larita - I felt a sharp pain right below my chest. It was so painful that I almost pass out. I puked a yellow substance and my eyes were yellowish as well. I was taken to Vicente Sotto Hospital and my ultrasound result showed that I have stones in my gallbladder and was advised to undergo operation the soonest possible time which would cost me P 150,000.00. I called up my sister and she brought me Moringa ysp Condensed Powder Tea. I was skeptical about it but I felt I didn’t have any choice but to try. I took two cups of tea, and in few minutes the pain subside. I kept on drinking the tea and fortunately the pain was gone and I was able to go back to Hongkong for my work. Until this time, I don’t feel any pain and I never went back to the hospital.


Eugene Sunio - I have been suffering from ulcer for ten years and tried so many medicine and herbal remedies but to no avail. I always feel acidity in my stomach. A friend of mine, introduced Moringa ysp Condensed Powder Tea and amazingly, after two days, all the symptoms of my ulcer were gone. After two weeks of religiously taking the tea, I visited my doctor and found out that my blood pressure became stable. Now, I am taking it everyday.


Common Diseases
Dr. Oliver Hill - I’m quite aware that Western medicines only alleviates the symptoms of the common diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis among others. I specialized on alternative medicine thus I prescribed Moringa ysp Condensed Powder Tea to my patients. I did a lot of research on the pharmacological benefits of Moringa Oleifera that’s why I never hesitated to try the tea considering that it is purely made from the miracle tree. I tried it with my patients who suffered from dengue fever and lung fibroma and it was effective. Then, I prescribe it to a dialysis dependent patient and after eighteen days of taking Moringa tea, his test result showed a remarkable decrease in creatinine. Right now, I am challenging the medicinal benefit of Moringa Tea in a more severe case like lymphoma.


Chris Ponce - My arthritis started three (3) years ago and I have been under medication but it only relieves the pain but didn’t actually cure. My wife has been taking Moringa for her myoma and she told me that the tea is effective for my arthritis. I’ve always been skeptical about the benefit of herbal tea but I tried it anyway. After taking it for three (3) consecutive days, I didn’t feel any pain on my knees and decided to continue taking it until now. To my surprise, I’m completely pain free and instead of taking my medication, I opted to take Moringa Tea everyday.


Skin Allergy, Ulcer & Insomnia
Tommy Misuari - I had been suffering from skin allergy, ulcer and insomnia for few years already. I had a hard time eating because it would result to skin rashes and extreme stomach acidity, even with fruits. In addition, I had difficulty sleeping. I have been taking Moringa Tea for quite sometime already and to my relief, I can eat practically anything without worrying about skin rashes and stomach acidity and I can sleep regularly.


Arthritis and Chest Pain

Fe Vergara - I had been taking medication for my arthritis and chest pain but still I could barely walk, my entire legs are swollen and had recurring bouts of chest pain. My daughter introduced Moringa Tea and it really gave a drastic change in my condition after three (3) weeks. I don’t have chest pain. My legs are not swollen, I could walk and even go to church without the pain. Now, I am taking it everyday. It’s a lot cheaper and healthier than taking my prescribed medicines.


Irregular Menstruation
Therese Torres - Before, my menstruation is not regular and once I have it, it would take at least two weeks to end and it really worried me. It is even accompanied by severe stomach cramps. When I started taking Moringa Tea, my menstruation became regular and it would only take five (5) days the most to end and I don’t have stomach cramps anymore.


Nimfa Pepito - I tried Chinese herbal and western medicine for my goiter but to no avail. Doctor advised me to undergo surgery. My husband introduced Moringa Tea and when I took it for the first two weeks, I noticed that my goiter was growing bigger. My husband told me to stop but I continued because I was explained before hand about the reaction to cure or healing crisis that will take place. I continued for another two weeks and I noticed that the bulge on my neck became smaller and smaller and at the end of another two weeks, I could hardly notice it. Right now, I am scheduled to see my doctor for some test and I’m quite positive that I would no longer have to undergo operation.


Jahara Asani - I am 48 years old and for five(5) months, I didn’t have menstruation. My husband and I entertained the idea that its menopause although we thought that I’m still young for it. I started to drink Moringa tea and after three (3) days, I had my menstruation. Form then on, I am taking the tea daily, and my menstruation becomes regular.


Gall Bladder Stone
Hermina Torres - In 2000, my ultrasound result showed stones in my gallbladder. The doctor advised me to undergo surgery but I wanted to try alternative medicine. My treatment at that time involved drinking a liter of apple juice a day for (6) consecutive days. I also have to take antacid as well for hyper-acidity. On the 7th day, I have to fast for a day and take ½ cup of live oil. I started to have greenish discharge and the stones were flushed out of my system as well. Just this year, I felt the same pain and again my ultrasound showed stones in my gallbladder. This time, I was hesitant to take the same regimen because of the hyper-acidity that the apple would cause, the weakness in my body during the fasting and the sharp pain when I discharged due to the stone. My daughter introduced Moringa Tea. I have to consume 1.5 L of Moringa tea (the powder included) together with the apple juice for six (6) consecutive days. This time, I did not take antacid because there was no hyper-acidity and during the week I could feel that my stool have powdered stones in it. After the fasting and drinking of olive oil, I did not feel weak and no more pain when I discharge because the stones have been powdered as early as the third day that I took Moringa Tea. Now, my gallstone is completely gone.


Kidney Stones
Mukarim Habin - I had kidney stones and for almost two years I had been on medication to alleviate the symptoms which cost P 96.00 per day, however, the doctor informed me that 4-5 years from now, I may have to undergo operation. Mr Shoji, the founder and manufacturer of Moringa Tea visited my office to apply for HALAL accreditation and I told him about my kidney stone problem. He told me to try Moringa Tea. That was my first encounter with the tea but I was skeptical about it and thought that he might just be bragging. After 15 days of religiously drinking the tea, I went to my doctor for check and I was very surprised that my kidney stones were powdered. Another 15 days passed, I went back for check up and this time the stones were 100% gone. My office workers in OMA have been suffering from hypertension, arthritis, and other complicated symptoms. I introduced Moringa Tea to them and miraculously, the symptoms gradually disappears. I strongly believe that I have to share what I found to others and somehow it became my duty to tell others.


Happy Customer

Brian Larter - I just ordered my first 3 bottles of Moringa this morning - shortly after 9am. I received confirmation of my order, also from the courier, and by 17.30 this afternoon my parcel arrived at my door! Now that was service - got the product the same day. Thank you. I will be posting a testimonial here in the near future as I do believe I have found the most amazing product, and look forward to experiencing the healing properties of Moringa.


Overall Health

Deborah Rossouw Lewis - I have been taking Moringa since 26th May, which makes it 12 days today and already I can feel a great difference in my joints and energy levels.


Overall Health 
Sinah Mnisi - It sure works, daily dose for my daughter and I 


Joint Pain 
Priscilla Stix Reed - Moringa is the best, I use to have joints pains but since I started to use Moringa all the pains is gone. Thank you


Selma Olivier - Usually at this time of year I start to feel exhausted and can't wait for the Xmas holidays. I started taking Moringa capsules about 2 months ago and I am feeling energetic and motivated - even though it is September!!!!


Skildklier / Cholesterol

Amanda Venter - My ma het die Eltroxin net 2 aande gedrink toe ek haar laat weet STOP. Paar dae later het sy die Moringa begin drink. 1ste bottel klaargemaak, bloedtoetse Maandag laat doen. Klier se telling was 7.8, is nou 4.4. Cholesterol amper normaal, vit B12 max, haar dikderm voel die beste in jare, sy slaap goed en het meer energie! Sy word Januarie 79. Die Dr. het gedink sy is op die Eltroxin en toe sy hoor my ma het die GLAD nie gebruik nie, het haar kakebeen op haar tafel gehang! Sy kon dit nie glo nie. Ek sal einde van die maand weer 5 bottels of dalk sommer 'n jaar se voorraad by jou kry!


Kroniese Pyn

Nicola Breedt Moffett - Kan met sekerheid terug rapporteer dat die pille werk. My ma het trechiminale oralgie en niks wou help nie nou twee weke later en sy praat beter en eet al met gemak en pyn alreeds baie minder.


Overall Health

Johann Du Plessis - It's truly a super miracle food.


Oog vlies

Renda van Vuuren - Wil net graag die goeie nuus deel.Ek het iets soos n vlies wat oor my linker oog groei was al amper by die appel Die Dr. het gese hulle kan dit net afhaal as dit oor die oogappel groei Ek drink die Moringa nou al amper 4 maande en die vlies is weg, my oog lyk nou ook al baie beter!



Ansa Marais - I have had excellent results with the combination of Moringa capsules and Avocado-Moringa infused oil, as it alleviated eczema on my hands and inside my ears that I suffered from. Thank you Moringa Life for excellent service!


Blood Pressure / Eczema

Nomahlubi Unity Msweli - It's lowered my blood pressure and is helping my kids with their eczema and sinusitis.


Blood Pressure / Asthma

Scolana Pepsie Sedibe - 5star. My blood pressure is back to normal after I started taking Moringa. My asthmatic son struggles no more with the attacks. Moringa is indeed a tree of life.



Matshepiso Matshe - ​I bought Moringa for my husband, he has an ulcer but since he has been using Moringa he is not suffering from the ulcer anymore! Thanks to Moringa please guys try Moringa you won’t regret it thanks to u Moringa!


Overall Health 

Monica Kallee - It really does work wonders... my 77 year old mum is perfectly healthy. No diabetes, no sugar, no pressure etc. She grew up eating Moringa and now her 17 month old great-grandson is addicted to eating Moringa drumsticks cooked in a pea-dill soup. He is super healthy and he has never been to a doctor since birth.


Blood Pressure
Tebogo Mashego - So impressed about Moringa, my mom has hypertension n she’s on medication, her readings were always over 160/90,n she started taking Moringa in November, well yesterday she went for her monthly check-up and her reading turned out to be 108/80,even after eating so many wrong things during the festive season!!



Renda van Vuuren - Ek drink net 2 kapsules in die oggend en my bloedruk het af gekom van 170/91 na 109/71 in 3 maande. Is nie op enige medikasie nie het net die Moringa gedrink.


Algemene Gesondheid
Sylvia Ida Pretorius Gilmore - Moringa het my lewe verander. Moringa is n lewenswyse, Moringa maak jou gesond. Moringa gee jou nuwe lewenslus. Moringa genees jou en jy raak ontslae van alle wat jou maag nie goed doen nie, harlywigheid, winderigheid, ongemak en suur wat jou rumatiek gee. Die maag is dink ek die belangrikste. Die lewe is so gejaagd dat ons verkeerd eet en jou self nie genoeg tyd gee op ñ toilet nie.



Magda Mugge - My man het die insulien spuite heeltemal gelos en is net op die Moringa en mense dit gaan BAIE goed met hom. EK LOVVEEEEEEE Moringa



Annalize Herbst - I have been using your product for the last six months. The capsules at 5 a day. It is a fantastic product! I have had these horrible back aches for ages and tried many, many meds, vitamins etc... Now it has simply disappeared! So we'll done on an excellent product!!


HIV Positive
Eggitta-Agness Madula Wa Zanda - This really helps. My viral load was 2677 because I am HIV positive and my friend gave me Moringa tea and now my viral load is 20 only. I am never sick. Am fit. No more painful legs and sores.


Stomach Ulcer
Abraham Kekana - I used to have terrible stomach ulcers and after using Moringa powder I am healed!


Sello Lolo Galane - I was having gout after using Moringa it has gone away thanks Moringa.


Immune System

Sonet Jordaan - Moringa got me through my flu, first time in 20 years I did not need antibiotic. Moringa for ever!


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Malesiba Lebepe - I have been suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis since 1987 and put on chronic meds since 1997. Over the years it has done so much damage to my joints I had to go for several surgeries. I couldn't sleep due to pain. Ever since I started using Moringa, I feel so much better. Sometimes I forget that I have it. I sleep well and feel good. I recommend this for many ailments and just for maintaining health!!!!


Cervical Cancer Recovery

Ntombi Nene - I was diagnosed with cervical cancer did the hysterectomy, did radiation and chemotherapy. A soldier friend of mine introduced me to this Moringa!! WOW now I cannot live without it. I sprinkle the powder on my cereals and sometime I drink the tea. WOW I just feel amazing, thank you to this Moringa!


High Blood Pressure
Mmapula Sepato - I was always struggling with high blood pressure. Since I used Moringa it is fine and I have stopped taking medication from 2014 December and I am still fine!


Happy Customer

Gugu Tiboo Radebe - Thank you very much for your quick and friendly service, I placed the order on Friday afternoon and received it this morning.


Stop Smoking
Charlene Sewell - Net ietsie interesant. Ek het 3 maande terug dit begin gebruik. En my lus vir rook veloor. Ek rook nie meer nie. Dis toevallig.


Overall Health 

Sally Ntlebere - I'm taking Moringa in the morning everyday & I’m feeling healthy! 


Algemene Gesondheid​

Hildegarde Roman - Ek gbruik dit! Dit doen my baaaaie goed, ek bemoedig baie aan om dit te gbruik!



Inge La Barre - Been taking now for 3 months and definitely feel a great improvement. My constant arthritic pain is now manageable and I have pain free days.


Weight Loss / Low Blood Pressure

Caroline Lepitla Mabaso - Thanks to Moringa I have lost the extra weight gained during pregnancy. My body no longer itches and the low blood I was told I had for years has become normal. I feel different, I feel relaxed, I feel powerful and healthy thanks to Moringa. I preach the Gospel of Moringa to whomever complains of any ailment. I have seen the wonders I cannot live without it.


Peptic Ulcer

Thandi Ndwandwe - I've been using Moringa powder since last year my digestion is now improving and peptic ulcers as well.


Pain Relief

Karen Laxton - I am also taking 2 capsules of Turmeric / Cayenne .. As well as three Moringa capsules per day. My pain has definitely become easier to handle. But not sure which capsules are working!!! Maybe the combination of both, however I am not stopping either of them!!!


Joint Pains
Brenda Mazibuko - I'm using teabags. Since I started drinking 2 cups every day; my joints are not giving me problems anymore.


Improved Sleep

Cecila - I normally didn’t have a good sleep. But after using moringa for some time now I sleep like a baby. The moringa tree is very good. Thank God for such a good and miracle tree. 


Overall Health and Wellbeing 

Allison Kuchenbecker - Amazing product. Feel a difference after taking it for the first time. Thanks so much Moringa


Plantar Warts

Tony Calitz - The other day I noticed that the three pretty nasty Plantar Warts that I've had under my right foot for a number of years and that had become problematic (my GP told me she would have to cut them out and I wouldn't be able to exercise for a few weeks), suddenly appeared to be disappearing due to Moringa. One, just below my centre toe on the foot, has completely disappeared, whilst 2 others have all but gone - just a patch of rough, seemingly burnt (brown in colour) skin remains, and when I apply pressure to the points, I can no longer feel the hard lumps beneath the skin and there's no discomfort. I'm pretty thrilled, to say the least.


Happy Customer
Cedclan Solomons - Good morning, Just received my order.
As a first time customer, I would like to congratulate you, for your highly impressive service delivery. I have been very impressed by your high level of service and genuine consideration for me as a customer. In this day and age good customer service is often difficult to find, and I feel it is important that it be recognized.
Your personalized customer service and hospitality were really appreciated. While we are sometimes quick to criticize when we don’t get the service we believe we deserve, it is also important to give credit when we do receive exceptional service. I can assure you, you will receive much more orders from myself and I would gladly recommend you to my family and friends.
Thank you for making this experience a good one and for providing such an absolutely superior service.
Healed Bones
Liz Taylor - When I was in an accident 2015, someone introduced me to Moringa. I had broken ribs. When I went back to hospital to check out my ribs it was completely healed! God's healing was also on my side, it really helps a lot! 
Lettie Labuschagne - Jip ek is n diabeet en gebruik dit al 2 jaar en hou my suiker konstant
Diana Blankfield - Using Moringa has cleared Psoriasis on my scalp, which I have been battling with for the last 20 years!
Osteo Arthritis 
Kathy Gaines-Burrill - Best ever! Been on moringa for over 4 years now... no pain and discomfort from my osteoarthritis
Gewigs Verlies
Petro Le Roux - Ek is 2 sizes kleiner van ek Moringa gebruik. Voel wonderlik. Sal dit vir almal aanbeveel
Joint Pain 
Mukesh Reddy - I personally recommend moringa, I do take it every morning and touch wood it helped me a lot for almost 3years now. I don't have Arthritis or gout but someone advised me to take this for healthy joints.
Prompt Delivery
Nirmala Pillay - Just received my prompt order this morning. Placed the order on Friday. Thank you Moringa Life
High Blood Pressure 
Elizabeth Ashworth - Love it, it is wonderful. No high blood anymore! It is the truth. I am 69 and still donate blood. The staff there cannot believe that I do not have sugar or high blood. They always ask what I use to be so healthy and full of energy. I only have 1 answer. Moringa. My son, 37, works for a big manufacturing comp. They do routine checks of blood pressure. He has a history of High Blood. The Sister said to him, we will have to send you to a doctor. I gave him Moringa and within 1 week it came down to normal. She was so surprised and wanted to know what happened. He said "thanks to Moringa"
Gelukkige Klient
Riana van den Heever - Baie dankie, ek het my bestelling ontvang.  Ek sal julle ter enige tyd aanbeveel want julle diens is flink en die personeel baie vriendelik en behulpsaam.  Weereens baie dankie.
Happy Client 
Shosh Abrahams - I have been using Moringa for 3 months and DEFINITELY works for me.
Loop Makliker
Rientjie Mulder - Ek kon ook nie meer ver loop maar vandat ek moringa drink loop ek weer met gemak
Joint Pain
Estelle Lensley - My friend used it over the weekend. She actually called me last night to confirm that her joint pain is gone. After 2 times of drinking it.
Diabetic Feet / Neuropathy
Alice Bronwyn ArriesFoulden - I've used this Moringa tablets for a month and two weeks, I had the painful Diabetic feet, when I started with the tablets, it made me feel a little funny the first few days, but by the 4th day I felt, my painful feet was gone, my pain in my body was gone, I have energy like anything, it really helps, I don't feel lethargic like I used to feel, I feel good, and with the workout of energy my diabetic reading started to go down, cause mine was often higher than it should be. It really works for me.
Arthritis / Diabetes
Birgit Burgess - It certainly is wonderful stuff I've been on it for approximately 3 years and have osteo-arthritis to type 2 diabetic have inflammation it certainly does make a difference. 
Energy / Overall Wellbeing 
Victoria - Hi Vinette. Hope you well!
I cannot even begin to tell you how the Moringa has literally changed my life! I haven’t had energy like this in years and I feel VIBRANT!!! I have been telling everyone to buy it! :) 
Piet Steyn - I have been taking a load of medication for my gout and all sorts of other ailments for a number of years now. My daughter in-law got me some of this Moringa for diabetics and I have been using it now for just on two months. The difference is incredible, I have no more gout attacks I feel full of energy and don’t take any more Pericouse or colchicine or pain medications.

Edna Hoffe - Amazing. I have been taking it for years and I find it gives me a lot of energy.
Algemene Gesondheid
Michelle Holloway - Ek en my man gebruik dit al vir 'n paar maande al en is verseker baie gelukkig met die produk.
Happy Customer
Tienie Reid - Unbelievable - I've received my package(ordered yesterday) today. Excellent service!!
Thank you so much

Brain Cancer
Gail Baudin - Moringa is fantastic herb, my late husband was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2015 & was given 3 months to live, no chemo or radiation treatment nothing they could do, well l got on to a site & told them what plight was & l got message giving me a trial bottle of the moringa as l had never heard of it. I started giving it too him & after the 2nd bottle there was huge improvement, no seizures were taking place, he lived for a extended 2 years. Thank the Lord
General Health and Wellbeing 
Riana Petersen - Thank you for a WONDERFUL PRODUCT, I absolutely LOVE my Moringa liquid!
Have been using it for almost 3 years now. 
Knee Pain
Adrian John Lyons - It sure works for me. No need for a knee replacement operation anymore!
Customer Service
Cebisa Mafuleni - I just wanted to let you know that I am thoroughly impressed about the delivery turnaround time.
This order was done yesterday and I have just received the delivery in the Eastern Cape!!!
Your service keeps getting better and better.
Keep up the good work!
Overall Health and Wellbeing 
Ayesha Joan Johnson - Awesome product, my health has improved drastically. Thank for the great service received from the team!
Pain Relief 
John G Gordon - Thanks moringa for delivering of my order yesterday. I immediately started to use it and i experience a relief in pain on my shoulders. I can't wait to see some more results after a week!
Craig Stobbs - Just to let people know moringa works for diabetic neuropathy. I've been using moringa for over six months and all feeling in my feet and legs have returned.
Seer Knie
Bertha Potgieter - Wil ook net se. Moringa Oil werk verseker.
Moes in gaan vir knie operasie kraakbeen te verwyder. Na ek vir 5 dae die olie gedrink het weet ek nie meer van n seer knieg nie. Wonderlike oil. Werk verseker. Dankie sal aanhou dit drink.  
Diabetes / Bloedsuiker / Energie 
Lily Landman - Wil net se ek so opgewonde oor die produk, my seun se sy suikervlak is so tussen 4 en 5, hy slaap beter en het meer energie, voel nie  moeg en afgemat nie.
Baie dankie, sal die produk definitief aan baie mense aanbeveel.
Lekker dag en n lifelike naweek vr julle. 
Pyn Verligting
Arlene Human Valentine - Ek moes gaan vir operasies in my hand ek het vreeslik pyn gehad, ek het Moringa begin drink en pyne is weg geen operasies, wonderlike prodruk
Diabetes / Sugar Levels
Mmatshaba Pule - I have used moringa in 2017 for 3 months since then I have never had a problem with my sugar levels they have always stayed between 5,7 and just 7. Moringa works wonders🤞
Algemene Gesondheid en Pyn
Alet Nortje - Ek en my man gebruik dit al baie maande lank en kan dit defnitief aanbeveel. Dit is 'n fantastiese produk en help vir al die skete en pyne.
Pain in Hands
Sonja Liebenberg - This is the best online order system ever! Fast and efficient, I received my order in less than 24hrs. Today is my 3rd day of using Moringa concentrate and the pain in my hands.. 50% less!!. I'm very excited about this product!
Marianna Pedlar - Ek gebruik di nou 4 maande. Baie lyfpyne gehad. Is n ander mens my hande so lekker los!
Algemene Gesondheid
Jan Van Zyl - Ek gebruik dit al 18 Maande my suiker is af en my algemene gesondheid is baie goed vandat ek dit gebruik en sal nooit ophou om Moring te gebruik ek is 73 jaar oud.
High Blood Pressure 
Primrose Mhimhi - I'm using Moringa for my highblood pressure and it is normal ever since I stated using and it help for flat tummy in losing a lot!!!! 
Blood Sugar Levels
Mmatshaba Pule - I have used moringa in 2017 for 3 mnths since then i have never had a problem with my sugar levels they have always stayed between 5,7 and just 7..Moringa works wonders🤞
Happy Customer 
Gabrien Mohlanga - I just received my order within 24 hours! You guys are the best! You know how to keep your customers happy! Keep it up, I can't wait for Saturday to start taking it with my mom!
Happy Customer 
Riddick Mongwe - Thank you very much for delivering my package in less than 3 days. I give you 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 you deserve it. Thanks again 🙏🙏🙏
Happy Customer 
Dalina Groenewald - It is the best. If you have the product, drink it. It is like the Lotto, if you play it, you might win. If you drink the Moringa, you have a chance to get cured.
Algemene Gesondheid
Jan Van Zyl - Ek gebruik dit al 18 Maande my suiker is af en my algemene gesondheid is baie goed vandat ek dit gebruik en sal nooit ophou om Moring te gebruik ek is 73 jaar oud.
Happy Customer / Customer Service 
Carrol-Lynne Mulder - Wow. Wow. Wow! The service is next level🥰. Ordered the arthritis and gout /joint mobility yesterday afternoon, after reading the positive reviews, and received my order today.
Happy Customer / Customer Service
Bobby Y - I am writing to thank you for the wonderful service. My partner loves your products and couldn't thank you enough, especially with the service we received. She's fond of your business to be honest :) We are hoping we can purchase more once we get back from vacation. 
Happy Customer / Customer Service
Morry-Ann Z - Thank you for the update. Charlotte Petersen received her parcel early today. We are very impressed with the service we received from ordering right through to the delivery service.  May God bless your business more.
Leon Loggenberg - Ek kan ook getuig. My suiker was n maand terug 20+. Vanoggend 8. Dankie vir Moringa
Happy Customer 
Thembi Ntshalintshali - Thank you for excellent service . Ordered yesterday and delivered today morning!
Happy Customer / Customer Service 

Mzukisi Maneli -  I can confirm receipt of my parcel and thank you so much for the quick service. I have never ever received such an excellent service, from the confirmation of the order, with email updates of the whereabouts of the parcel and the final receipt of the parcel.  That's actually approximately or even less than 24 hours from the confirmation of order to the parcel being delivered to me.


Blood Sugar / Diabetes

Roshni Ramgoolam - Believe me it really works I'm on it for just 3weeks now. My sugar level was high and now it's all normal.
Blood Sugar / Diabetes
Samuel Jacobs - Hi all I have been using it now for a month and my sugar level started to improve from 13-14 is now on 6 or 8..i am using the capsules. Only 2-3 capsules a day. I am using less chronic meds from 4 Metformin per day to 2 with my Moringa.
Overall Health
Loni Du Toit - Well done!!!!! Best meds EVER!!!!!! Using it for 1year. Lovely energy drink...no more pain in knees feet...I WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT IT!!!!!!!!
Energy / Diabetes
Abegail Botha - I have used moringa cancer Bush for the first time this month, it is doing wonders for me. My energy is back, I am glowing, my sugar diabetes after eating remains 6.2 
Knee Pain / Blood Pressure
Loni Du Toit - So true!!!!!!! Been using it for 1 year.....will never be without it!!!!!! No other meds...no more knee pain! No more aches in feet...blood pressure stable...no more anxiety.....THE VERY BEST!!!!!!
Pain Relief
Eilaen Cummings - I can't do without my moringa.. No pain
Diens Lewering
Riekie Terblanche Nel - Ons is pakkie is binne 3 dae afgelewer. Baie dankie vir die flinke diens. Onmiddellik begin drink.
Algemene Gesondheid
Loni Du Toit - Ek het ALLES REGTIG ALLES probeer....was so erg dat ek gedurende Oktober en November maande vir 2 maande bedlêend was!!!! Moringa was aan beveel......ek kyk NIE terug nie!!!!! Help vir ALLES!!!!!
Algemene Gesondheid
Magda Steinmann - Ek gebruik dit al 2jr+ en is baie goed ons is 4 ouerige persone drink dit almal elke dag. Voor covid ons het nog nie eendag siek geword nie, en is baie gesond. Dit werk saam met ons kroniese pille. My man het erge hart aanval gehad en hy het baie beter geword. Tel nou self gewig op na hy 40kg verloor het. Stel dit regtig voor baie goed.
General Health and Wellbeing
Helen Petzer - On it 2 years, It changed my life. Won't ever go without it.
General Health and Wellbeing
Caroline De Beer - I've been using this for years, and everybody always say, "where do you get your energy from?" Well I rest my case. All you need in one bottle. No more hands full of pills to swollow, only a tablespoon every morning, and you're good to go. No blood pressure medicine, arthritis, no sugar medicine, one cup / tablespoon and you will save thousands on prescription medications, vitamins and minerals. Phone them, you won't be sorry. O, and I forgot to say, I'm 65 and everybody say I don't look that. So I'm even saving on wrinkle creams🙈🙈
Febe von Wielligh - Baie dankie vir julle puik diens. Het Donderdag aand bestel en Vrydag my pakkie ontvang.
Knee Pain and Swelling
Tlaleng Selatole - I have been using this product for a week now & I don't have pains on my hip & knee. The swelling on my knee has also gone down. This is the best product💕💕
Sugar Levels / Diabetes
Mariette Buys - I have been using Moringa for diabetes for 2 months. Blood Sugar is down from 9 to 5.9!!!!
Good Service / Happy Client
Christien Lesch - I ordered mine yesterday and received it this morning. Excellent service. Will for sure use you again.
Gelukkige Klient
Yolandi Minnaar - More daar ek wil net n getuie deel met u, ek het Maart begin met moringa, toe was my viral load 112000.. Ekt sopas met my Dr gepraat, 8 maande later is my telling -50, ek is so baie baie dankbaar! Mag die Here hierdie plant en besigheid mega groot maak! Baie dankie ek waardeer
Arthritis Pain Relief
Ecj NyaMbe - @ Moringa Life 
Honest review, am not getting paid. WOW WOW WOW I'm a happy client! Was diagnosed with arthritis about 4months and have been on meds which don't work at all. 2 weeks of taking the concentrate all pain disappeared. I ordered a small bottle just to test, now it's finished and the pain is slowly creeping back in.  I will be placing my order today. Please note I'm also anaemic (fibroids).
Rugpyn Verbetering
Ronel Holtzhausen - Ek gebruik die kapsules nou 2 weke kan al verbetering aan my rug voel
Artritis / Rustelose Bene
Marieta Esterhuizen-Joubert - Ek gebruik die ekstrak vir artritis en my rustelose bene is stukke beter en nie meer so vreeslik geswel nie. Die Lost hou my eetlus in bedwang. Dankie vir julle vinnige koerier diens.
Happy Client
Yvonne Dinake - I ordered mine this morning around 8am before 16:00 I received my order,the service is sooo good
Blood Sugar Levels
Maleh Morebodi - In Oct my blood sugar was 29. Something and my high blood was also high I was put on a drip so that my blood should down a bit..it was 19 and it was still high. The doctor ask me to come after a week.. Month end of Oct i bought another packet of moringa and I start to use it. On the 5th of Nov I went back my blood was 7.9, I went back for my monthly treatment it was 7.8 and high blood was also fine. I'm glad I didn't stop buying moringa it really works wonders in my health. Thank you
Knie Pyn
Marius Jordaan - Moet getuig het heelwat produkte proebeer vir my twee knie konstant pyn!
Gebruik elke oggend twee kapsules na n paar dae kon ek die verskil voel, baie beter en pyn baie minder. As ek n dag of twee dit nie gebruik nie voel ek weer die eina .Werk vir my!
Food Cravings
Mogamad Nazaah Londt - This is definitely and amazing product that craving for sugar and spicey foods has subsided
Arthritis / Algemene Gesondheid
Renthia Bester - Ek is ook nou my 3de maand daarop...voel soos n jongbokkie van 18 wat weer ure aan een kan stap en werk....is gediagnoseer met arthtitis ..drink glad nie meer my medikasie nie...hierdie produk WERK
Energy / Pain Relief
Sarah Minnie - I started using moringa in October. I was in so much pain. I had IBS. Really....Moringa has changed my life. I have energy to face every day with joy. I get up without pain now. Try it. Its the best thing you will do for you body. Thank you moringa 💕💕💕💕
Happy Client 
Jacqueline Lagé Du Toit - Excellent service. I ordered product yesterday morning, just received notification the courier is out on delivery.
Suiker Vlakke / Skouer Pyn
Rene Albertyn Ross - Moringa is DIE beste ek gebruik die pille nou al amper vir maand dit help SO baie vir my rotator cuff pyn in beide skouers en my suiker is ook bietjie af...wonderlike produk sal nooit weer sonder dit wees nie ek drink nie eers meer my pyn medikasie nie net my Moringa!
Elize Strauss - Ek gebruik die produk nou vir 'n maand, maar die effek was amper onmiddelik. Ek gebruik die produk saam met my kroniese medikasie en my suikervlak het afgekom van 9.1 tot 5.7 vanaf ek Moringa begin gebruik het. Dankie vir die uitstekende produk.
Thyroid Problems / Energy
Jenny Hollamby - I have thyroid problems too drink 2 euthroyx a day and I drink moringa too. I have more energy don't always feel so tired...I feel like a million bucks. I Also suffer from arthritis ..the pain is better...I don't drink any pain medication at all.
Joint Pain / Arthritis
Avril Carollisson - My husband is using moringa for +- 2 years now, he's off all medications, no joint problems. He's using the liquid...Really fantastic this moringa.
Blood Pressure / Boils
Ruth Koopman - Hi I'm using Moringa for a year now. Before this I use to get a lot of boils over my body. Since I'm using the tablets no more boils and my blood pressure is always spot on! I've been busy sharing with my family about this products and they're also going start using it. Thank you once again God bless. Ruth.
Sugar / Diabetes / Hair Growth
Bonny Scheepers - Best product ever, I had to convince my daughter to let my granddaughter drink this daily when she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes two years ago. Taylah had lost her hair, skin and bone. This product has helped stabilize her sugar. Her hair is now so thick and healthy. My daughter and I swear by it. We buy the one specifically for diabetes and the super concentrate for myself
Sugar / Diabetes
Mmatshaba Pule - Moringa works wonders try it and you wont regret..my sugar levels were so high and could not be controlled. I used moringa and till date my sugar levels are normal, I have never had another problem with my sugar levels!!
Diabetes / High Blood Pressure
Esmerelda Samsodien - Moringa is absolutely the best I use it for diabetes and high blood pressure
Joint Pain
Bryan Ross - Excellent helps me with Fibromyalgia and extreme joint pains🙏
Crohn's Disease
Anneby Allen Louw - Moringa het ook my Crohn's disease disease heeltemal genees!!
Stephen De Jongh - It definitely works after the holidays I went for my check up at hospital and my reading 7.1 which is really good!
Happy Client!
Hi guys. I am truly impressed with your product. The initial phase was hard as my body had to detox, however past that stage I am seeing great results. My skin has improved, my energy levels are up, I am cycling stronger, my knees are pain free, my right hand middle finger can bend again, my lower back is pain free, my right shoulder is pain free and even my hair and nails are growing faster. My hair is also thicker. The nice thing is ingesting, the liquid beats having to drink a handful of capsules or spoons of powder. Well done on a great product guys! Glen Solomon
Sugar / Diabetes
Mpho Rampubane - It's been two weeks since I've started taking this Moringa bottle and I have lost a little weight and my sugar level is now 6.7, I even stopped taking the metformin pills. Moringa works well for me!
Diabetes / Chest
Candy Gabela - Moringa is the best. I bought it for diabetes but it also helped me with my chest, I was unable to drink cold stuff, but since drinking moringa, I now drink my juice from the fridge which is something I had not done for 2 years. Thank you to moringa.
Joint Pains / Diabetes
Rob Gillespie - Joint pains and diabetes have been making my life hell for the last few years. Started taking the concentrate for arthritis and gout, and the diabetes one as well - about 20ml per day, and I’m feeling normal again after two months. I’m 65. Tastes like horse**** and paint stripper but hell tit works!!! No BS. And my old dog is acting like a puppy again - about 10ml per day in her food. Animals don’t lie!!!
Vel / Blou Kolle
Lynette Venter - My vel was altyd vol blou kolle vir die geringste stampie. Vandat ek Moringa gebruik laat selfs 'n harde stamp nie 'n teken van 'n blou kol nie.
Mould Poisening
Pauline Swart - Fantastic product, had mould poisoning, and had pain and inflammation alover my body, couldn't even lift a cup of coffee, now drank this Moringa juice and within 2 days the pain is going and can move freely again
Arthritis / Skouer pyn
Alice Smith - Ek het arthiritis en kan bevestig dit werk. Na 3 dae se gebruik voel ek nie meer die brand in my skouerknoppe nie.
Acid Reflux / Sleep
Belinda Meyer - Wonderful product, it works🤗I use it for reflux, and sleep much better now.
Happy Client
Veronica Joubert - Moringa is absolutely amazing. It definitely works!
Gelukkige Klient
Liezl Barkhuizen - Baie dankie vir puik diens en n puik produk!
Blood Pressure
Nando Rams - For the first time in so many years my blood pressure was 120/80..it's my second week of taking moringa products.
Blood Sugar Levels
Semonay Wesley - I honesty recommend it, my husband's sugar levels have improved drastically in just over a month, will definitely stock up, great product and great service👌
Knie Pyn
Adele Pretorius - Ek drink moringa amper 2 weke.....ek moet gaan vir knie vervanging kon amper nie loop nie. Ek loop nou al amper normaal met baie minder pyn
Marlene Minderon - ek drink die pille en moet se dit het my bloedsuiker vanaf 19 afgebring na 4 toe.
Happy Client
Rabi Mofokeng - Excellent service, I ordered on Friday and received my package yesterday.
Arthritis Pain
Roy Hodgkinson - I use this product and has helped reduce 95% of the pain in my shoulder with Arthritis when I swim.
Pain Relief
Candy Goossens - I haven't been able to walk with the left foot flat for about 2 years the pain was just to much. I have now been on Moringa for a week and the past 2 days I can walk normally with no pain at all. Doesn't taste the best , but a tablespoon every morning has done wonders.
Happy Customer
Carol Fynn - Awesome product. Been using this for years. Share with my 83 year old aunt. Keeps all the baddies away 👍
Knee Pain / Happy Customer
Lebohang Augustine Mafa - Most efficient online retail, their products work. I was struggling with my knees, a month later I can run with no discomfort and swelling. I referred two friends to them.
High Blood Pressure
Shireen Claudette Fredericks - I use Moringa powder! Was on chronic medication for high blood, now off for 3 months. Blood pressure monitor stays low everyday, just teaspoon a day in morning with cinnamon 👌💪😇
Shoulder Pain
Mary Tsele - The power of Moringa is just unbelievable. The doctors could not even get the diagnosis right,been drinking the green powder for a week and WOW, I can finally sleep at night. I could not sleep from shoulder pain for the past 6 months. I will be buying this.
Happy Client
Tony Ant Calitz - Hey folks - thanjj oh a for your amazing service. I ordered 3x bottles of Moringa power juice on Monday afternoon and they were delivered to me on Tuesday - with a complimentary bottle of your Moringa immune booster - and I’m in bc Westville (Durban) - that amazingly quick because I only paid the usual R50 courier fee. Huge thanks for the gift and the excellent delivery service. 🙏
Diabetes / Blood Sugar Levels
Haehesa Ta Da - I'm using it for 3 years now, and I forgot about diabetes, I don't know if it exists 😅 in my body anymore, I've stopped all medications 3 years ago.... that's the best treatment ever!
Gelukkige Klient
Nicoleen Grobbelaar - Sjoe was ek verbaas om my pakkie van julle af the KRY. Maandag Betaal en woensdag ontvang. Baie goeie diens. Gaan julle weer ondersteun. Vreeslik Baie dankie.
Gelukkige Klient
Lily Cronje - Het my produkte gekry baie dankie vir die vinnige diens, as jy enige maag probleme het, dit is die regte produk om te gebruik, na al die dokters besoeke, hospitaal besoeke, scan gedoen, Kamera gesluk Ensv, verskillende medikasie gebruik, wat nie gehelp het nie, hierdie produk is al wat vir my help.. Baie dankie...
Blaas Infeksie
Suez Pretorius - Ek wil net byvoeg ook, ek het aanhoudend blaas infeksie gekry en na ek Morning Life begin gebruik het is daai probleem ook op gelos. So dankbaar daarvoor.
Gelukkige Klient
Christiana Rost - Wonderlike middel, regtig mense probeer gerus 100% waar!
Happy Client / Overall Health
Ntoz Mbotini - Heartburn gone, sleepless nights gone, inflammation... gastric acid! I'm grand now. It is doing wonders. I can't live without Moringa .👏👏🥺
Shireen Claudette Fredericks -  I was diagnosed with Hypertension put on medication. Since taking Moringa powder, 1teaspoon with 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, in morning in my porridge my blood pressure stays low / normal. No need to take any medication anymore 🙏🤗💯👌💪
Happy Client / Good Service
Paula Botha - Very quick service. Order, paid and received in ONE day
Pain Relief
Phyllis Snyman Olivier - I bought my extract Thursday. I felt better immediately. I just cannot belief as I suffered of pain for 2 months and now i am perfect. Thanks again. Excellent product
Client Service
Queenie Maboi - Thank you 🙏 I ordered this morning at around 7am and received my package at 15h00 the same day. Wow! I am out of words. Your service is out of this world. Keep up the good work. 💃💃👌👌👌✌️
Gelukkige Klient
Marsha Breet - Absolute wondermiddel - 'highly recommended
Happy Client
Phyllis Snyman Olivier - Absolutely wonderful i am pain fee and used the concentrate and capsules.. still uses it
Rene Soule - Very good help me with tiredness and even laryngitis💚
Arthritis / Weight Loss
Allison - I've been on Moringa for the last 2 months, my arthritis pain in my left hand has completely gone! I've also lost 6kg's! I'd recommend Moringa to everyone! 
Weight Loss / Pain Relief
Hi, this is Sharlene in Botswana I have been taking your Moringa capsules since February till now, I love the one with echinacea and turmeric. I have been trying to lose weight I tried everything even lotions with cayenne pepper, nothing happened, up until I tried your capsules. I had a terrible pain in my waist, I couldn't sit in the car for 30 minutes, 30 minutes was too much for me. I bought your capsules am healed. I even lost weight, l lost 10 kg, I am loving this body, appetite is suppressed!
Happy Client
Diana Kriel - Already can feel a difference since Friday last week when my Moringa had arrived at my doorstep...thank you 🙏
Linda Nhlapo - They help a lot for my diabetes, my sugar is on 5.2 every day! 
Weight Loss
Sandra Bronkhorst - It is a excellent product! I'm experimenting with a diet combination pill with Moringa, and so far the 2 ladies who are on it, both have already lost weight within 2-3 weeks!!
Duduzile Veronica - I am very happy about it. I am suffering from arthritis on my hips, sometimes I couldn't walk properly my heels was very painful. To walk as well was a problem.....I started to use Moringa powder late last year. It works wonders, it has helped me a lot!
Allison Hattingh - Moringa is the best thing I've taken, no more arthritis pain in my left hand, it's amazing! 💚
Blood Sugar Levels
Monwabisi Mdyesha - Mine arrived today. It's been awesome for me. My levels were 15.4 before I knew about this product and now it's around 6.7!
Happy Customer
Anne Gorman - Never going to stop using this. It's such an amazing product.
Algemene Gesondheid
Annatjie Grech VN - Fantasties!!!!!!
Suiker 5
Bloeddruk 130/70
Hart normaal.
Voete en bene geswel WEG
Moegheid en duiselig WEG
2 Bloeddruk pille gelos.
Gebruik 2 maande Moringa.
Ouderdom 65.
Dankbaar voel Soos ñ nuwe mens.
Beveel Moringa aan.
Aanvanklik begin drink, vir swelling, kon gladnie urineer. Waterpille het gladnie gewerk. Niere gesond, drink super juice daagliks. Gewrigspyne en styfheid weg.
Gelukkige Klient
Sandra Lombard - Ek drink di ekstrak....nou my 5de maand....vir my werk dit wonderlik.
Blood Pressure
Milly George - Excellent outstanding customer service and top product. I bought for high blood and within 2days my BP drop and I sleep much better 👌🙏
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Natasha Breetzke - I have Rheumatoid Arthritis know 3 month on Moringa my telling off Rheumatoid Arthritis from 285 to 0.15. Did the test again the next month, same results. So glad find something what works! I am runner 🏃‍♀️ & play tennis 🎾 and water Pilates 🌊 I tell you a am so happy! No more pain 🙏🙏
Knie Pyn
Gerda Viljoen - Julle diens en produk is puik gebruik dit 3 dae en pyn in knie is weg! Ek het al vir 2 jaar als probeer en niks het gewerk nie!
Gelukkige Klient
Dalene Van Wyk - Moringa is n wonderlike produk die enigste in sy soort.
Arthritis / Gout
Belinda Bruwer - Ek drink die concentrate super juice extract en dit help baie vir my suur en arthritis. Ek travel baie kan ek dit met die drops vervang as ek travel dit is net makliker vir due vervoer.
Happy Client
Leande Britz Venter - Thank you for excellent service.
Virginia Young Weber - Started using the Moringa for Arthritis a week ago, I am
definitely feeling much less pain so far.
Happy Client
Janita -  Thank you ever so much for your incredible service and dedication to making our lives so much richer. For as many years as I have been ordering the Moringa concentrate, you guys have never changed!
Amanda Boonzaaier - Dit werk verseker. Ek het baie minder pyn, veral in my joints!
Happy Customer
Emma Simelane - Yoh am so happy with the results my mother is feeling much better since she started drinking this medicine🙌
Virginia Young Weber - Into my third week using the leaf extract for arthritis I can now honestly say it works. Pain in my knees and fingers are no longer troubling me!
Arthritis and COVID
Charles Branford - Maringa with Ginger protected me from COVID and helped with arthritis! Fantastic natural herb remedy.
Joint Pain
Estelle Lensley - My friend used it over the weekend. She actually called me last night to confirm that her joint pain is gone. After 2 times of drinking it.
Joint Pain
Charles Branford - 100% what is been said. My fiance is on it for joint pain has found tremendous relief.
Happy Customer
MakaSlindo Gcobokazi Masiza - Ordered yesterday morning and received my order at 2 in the afternoon 👍 wonderful service!
Seer Vingers
Rina Fourie - Ek drink die Moringa kapsules seker al 2 jaar en ek het geen seer vingers!
Sleep / Tiredness
Shamla Moodley - My husband reported that he feels less tired because his sleep patterns improved. And he feels much better after he started the moringa.
Pain Relief
Leon Rens - I started using Moringa capsules and I can feel the difference! No more pain! Try it, it works!
Happy Customer!
Suez Pretorius - I'm using it for two month's now and can recommended it for everyone on.
Sugar Levels / Diabetes
Emmerentia February - Great product I used the capsules, my sugar levels are controlled 👌
Health and Wellbeing
Jenny Ikin Hollamby - It works... using for about 6 months...big improvement on my wellbeing.
Happy Customer
Reita Beharilall - The best product ever discovered for today tomorrow and forever, if you are not using moringa then you are really missing out 🙏
Pets Arthritis
Anabelle Perreira - Fantastic super food. Does the same for pets arthritis.
Knie Pyn
Ronel Williams - Dit werk regtig! Ek kon nie my trappe in my huis klim, na n week se gebruik, kon ek baie beter trappe klim!
Mercia Davids - Using it for some years now. Sorted fibromyalgia pains completely. Take four capsules daily.
Happy Client
Heidi Cloete - Been using it for 10 years. And will never stop. This is a miracle capsule!
Joint Pain
Jeeva Naidoo - Been taking Moringa for years and do not have any joint pains at 64 years of age.
Healing Properties
Sarah Rasego - Moringa does wonders it works perfectly in ones body for healing purposes. I tried it myself.
Overall Health
Janine Jacobs - My MoringaLife Testimonial
I've been using the seed for 2 months, only 3 per day in my breakfast, yoghurt or cereal and this is how i feel...
Happy Client 
Pain Relief 
Virginia Young Weber - My second month that I am using it and definitely pain free. I used the concentrate and now the powder. Excellent product.
Diabetes/Sugar Levels
Ngwetsi Ya Matebele - I have experience that! My sugar level was 12.5, then I used Moringa. This month was at 6.2 💃 I'm so so happy with my Moringa!!!
Happy Client
Bonny Scheepers - Excellent service now for 2 years never disappoints!
Happy Client
Cindy MakaLira Solani Nkosinkulu - The Service of Moringa is very great 👌👌👌I ordered Friday morning,. I just received my delivery now, Thank U Mark Lubbe your Service is excellent 👏👏👏
Happy Client / Off Medication
Dean Quban - I've been off my diabetic meds and hypertension meds, blood pressure meds for 9 months and stats are perfect!
Sugar Levels
Martha Naidoo - Moringa Works Well But I Lost A Lot Of Weight My Sugar Levels Dropped!
Gelukkige Klient / Pyn verligting/ Bloeddruk
Hennie Martie Huyser - Ek gebruik dit nou 6 weke! Wat n verandering op my liggaam, van my bloeddruk, seer hande en bene, meer energie!Ek voel 20 jaar jonger! Dit is asof ek n 2de kans op lewe gekry het
Blood Pressure / Body Pain
Paulina Mthembu - When I started Moringa my body was very painful, but now because of Moringa I am very excited! Even my BP is stable! I love Moringa capsules!
Joint Pain
Nikki Gee - I have never written a review for any product EVER but I must say Moringa extract has taken away my finger joint pain. It's a miracle product!
Knee Pain / Energy
Grace Dantje - I started using Moringa tablets after the doctor diagnosed me with arthritis on my right knee, I was struggling to climb the stairs, even bending my knee, there was a noise coming from my knee when I'm bending it that noise was like that of a dry paper.
I was suppose to go for a knee replacement but after finishing my 2nd bottle of Moringa the specialist said there is a lot of improvement on my knee and put the replacement on hold. Possibly is not going to happen as I feel like I'm normal and no longer feeling any pain on my knee.
I'm also having extreme energy and no longer having body pain.I need to buy other stuff for the whole family. Moringa saved me from having an artificial body part!
Knee Pain
Sylvia Rossouw - I had the most severe knee pains for 2 months. I could hardly walk I got Moringa tablets and it really works. Will keep using it!
Healthy Skin
Thando Roto Ntshingila - I've been using Moringa for 6 months. Now my skin is healthy, clear and smooth!

Happy Client

Kevin Roberts - I have been on moringa concentrate for 4 years and I am going on 68 years old .This product has been a blessing for my wife and myself. THANK YOU.



AN Steen - Most underrated plant/tree in the world! I use it every day ...6 capsules with breakfast. A must for diabetes!


Happy Client / Service

Nndivhiseni Cenotia - Good afternoon, Thank you so much for my order has arrived within 2 days of placing  an order. Such a woow service  is out of this world.


Gelukkige Klient
Cecile Joubert - Uitstekende diens. Een dag na betaling, het ek my produkte via koerier gekry!
Smaak / Gelukkige Klient
Hester Janse van Rensburg - Ek en my man drink beide die poeier... Ons MENG dit met kaneel om die bitter smaak weg te vat. Dit doen wonders! Kan dit rerig aanbeveel!
Arthrits / Rustelose Bene
Christo Botha - Ja hulle diens is uitstekend. Ek is nou 1 week op myne. Ek het die Moringa vir Arthritis en joint pain. Die pyn in my linker poot is weg en ek is aan die gang. Ek het nou vir 3 dae ook geen rustelose bene sindroom in die aand nie. 
Skin / Appetite / Heart Palpitations
FredaJones Chiwele-White - The best. My skin looks amazing. No heart palpitations like before. I have appetite for food. Great product. 👍
Happy Client / Fibromyalgia
Tanya Porthen - Nothing like it! Been using it for years, swear by it & now selling it. Great for Fibromyalgia too.. 🙏
Energy / Happy Client
Rushana Abrahams Moses - I've been using Moringa for nearly 2 years now and there is a big difference! I feel more energetic, hardly get sick and I feel great. I recommend this to everyone!


Brian Aucamp - I have Fibromyalgia for 45 years with body pains 24/7. I have started using Moringa tabs for more than 30 years and can honestly say it's been my savior. I use 8 tabs per day. Can recommend it to anybody! 



Abigail Ferronha - Amazing product gives me a good a good nights rest

Gelukkige Klient
Elize Verwey - Dit hou my aan die lewe net die beste medisyne in die wereld.
Best Product
Basant Beharilall - The best product this earth has ever produced, if you are not using it you are really missing out!
Anne Gorman - Don't wait just get it!
Took about 3 months to kick in for 80% of my Arthritis!
After 6 months I have no pain at all. Good for so many other things as well!
Zelda Mahoney - Ek het nie 'n verkeerde keuse gemaak nie, koop vir jou Moringa!
Dit werk vir my Arthritis, ek gbruik nie pynpille nie. Ek hoef ook nie meer my knee hande en voete te smeer nie!
Hannetjie De Jager - Drink Moringa nou vir 2 weke. Stres is minder en artritis baie baie beter.
Great Service!
Theunissen Peter - Super fast delivery. I ordered it at 10 a.m and got it the same day at 3 p.m. Thank you
Charles Branford - Got my new dose of Maringa with Devils claw extract, wow, works even better🤗
Wonderful Product
Nombulelo Gwamanda - It's been 2 weeks since I am using this product and the results are amazing!
Dorothy Cox Ross - Excellent for Fibromyalgia👍
M McDonald - I’m on my third order now, the inflammation is totally gone and I suspect it also helps with better sleep. Really impressed.
Aches and Pains
Martha Glover - I take Moringa every day and it definitely works for me. No aches and pains.
Gelukkige Klient
Elize Jewaskiewitz Grobler - Ek gebruik dit n week lank en dit is ongelooflik!!!
Inflammation / Sores / Eczema
Ps Vctoria Xaba - Thank you for your product. I had a huge challenge with eczema on my body. I tried almost everything, to no avail. I came across your product here on Facebook and I decided to come buy it and try it for myself. I bought it last week Friday and the inflammation that was troubling me for a long time suddenly disappeared. I noticed all the sores on my body dried up. I sleep well at night. I bought the oil and the liquid. Within only 3 days there was a huge change. Thanks Moringa is a good product I will recommend to anyone!!
Joint Mobility
Kobus Joubert - Had the capsules and there was a marked difference. Changed to the concentrate and it's even better. Had a lot of Military, sport and bike joint issue but can get up from my haunches without the cracking noises and with support.
I have already advised people to use it, it does work.
Suiker / Energie
Aletta Christa Brits Christa - Ek gebruik nou Moringa 2 weke en my suiker van 22 na 9. Voel ook n ander mens met meer energie.
Blood Pressure
Ellina Julia - I also tried the one for blood pressure, it works wonders! My blood pressure is under control now...
Bloeddruk / Moesies
Johan de Vries - Ek gebruik dit al 2 jaar. My bloeddruk pille gelos selfs die moesies op die lyf word al kleiner! Ek drink 2 elke more, beveel dit aan.
Arthritis / Diabetes
Melanie Florence Oliver - Fabulous for arthritis and much more, but I prefer the powder. Lost internal stomach fat. Off meds for type 2 diabetes too!
Sleep / Health and Wellbeing
Bongani - I started taking it from the 16 of September 2023, my life has unbelievable changed, I am better, sleep like a baby. My high blood pressure is controllable. I used to feel like I an 60 years old before taking moringa, but I feel healthy again. I am really pleased with the products they work, I took a vow to continue taking it for life, coz I have regained my life. 
Customer Service
Charles Mckay -  That was very fast, I placed my order on Tuesday night and receive it on Thursday morning ,well done..
You guys are really excellent 
Suiker / Diabetes
Johannie Day Cronje - Ek drink dt nou 'n maand, my suiker van 35 af na 15 dit werk beslis.
Happy Customer / Diabetes
Bridget van Rooyen - We have had nothing but good service from the Pretoria team. Thank you. My husband has been using the diabetes product for three weeks and his sugar levels have been within the normal range in this time without having to inject his insulin.
Diabetes / Blood Sugar
Beverley Geduld-Louis - It is true. I bought mine last week. Took the smallest bottle not to loose too much if it does not work.
My glucose levels were never in the normal range since I was diagnosed. Now it below 6 all the time and I only take 1 teaspoon with water a day. But I'm still using my diabetic meds.
I did not believe at first but I'm so happy that I gave it a try.
Healing Properties / Memory
Henri van Rooyen - 10 months ago I broke two discs in my lower back and it just was not healing. Now after taking Maringa juice extract and a daily glass or 2 of a chocolate flavoured drink My back is finally starting to heal. Plus I am also able to remember better and have a much clearer mind. Sensational product !


Kobus Beneke Beneke - Ek gebruik moringa nou 2 weke en suiker het verbeter van 12 na 5. Gaan nou my insulin verminder.


Gelukkige Klient

Helena Jordaan - Ek gebruik moringa nou vir amper 2 maande. n Ander mens.



Virginia Young Weber - Using Moringa powder about 4 months the best decision I made, no more anti inflammatory tablets.


Joint Pain
Mark Cawood - Great product, been using it for 4 months and my joints are now pain free after suffering from chemotherapy side effects.
Gelukkige Klient
Susan Etheridge - Puik produk, ek is sommer 'n ander mens sedert ek Moringa gebruik!!
Happy Client
Joezaa Adam - I've been taking for 7 days I feel a great difference
Joint Pain
ZeeTee Tsotetsi - I am loving this product. I had a problem with my joints but now I am pain-free ❤
Diabetes / Sugar Levels
Lee Afrikanviking Booysens - Using the Extract now for 2 weeks, I was on Metformin 850g and Glimipiride twice daily, all my symptoms have disappeared within 2 days of use, so I bought the capsule form of Moringa, but the symptoms came back, the Extract is best!!
Hot Flushes
Antoinette Steyn - Very fast service. I used the tablets previously, but start the super juice concentrate extract now work wonders for my hot flushes!
Diabetes / Sugar Levels
Catherine Anderson - I'm also type 2 diabetic and drink Moringa every morning. My sugar levels are starting to stabilize!
Amazing Benefits
Shirley Taljaard - I bought mine about 2 months ago I put a tsp.with my blue berries my chi seeds and low fat milk let stand for 10 min then put in my porrage starting the feel the difference dont taste too good but has amazing benefits I recommend it to anyone.
Kliente Diens
Susan Van Drr Berg - Beste diens wat ek al ooit gekry het.
Swelling / Pain
Eve Moodley - I've been using moringa since last year, it definitely works! No swelling, no pain!
Lee Read
I ordered on Friday morning and mine arrived Friday afternoon. Unbelievable! I started taking it and within the first 48 hours I have experienced a significant reduction in pain and inflammation. I'm quite gobsmacked.
Joint Pain / Pinched Nerve
Levina Hendricks - My husband bought me Moringa for joint pain about 3 weeks ago suffering for months with a pinched nerve in my lower back decided not to have an operation… and had seen a specialist for a bad knee … been confirmed I need a complete knee replacement 😢 well I can confirm Moringa has changed my life … I can live with the little discomfort I can walk and do my house chores …have energy and starting to feel like I have my life back again thank you for your Moringa product it works 🙏
Wonderlike Produk
Hettie Thiersen - Hallo, ek gebruik julle produk nog nie 'n maand nie en ek kan nie glo watter verskil dit aan my gemaak het nie. Baie dankie en ek sal sorg dat ek nooit weer daarsonder is nie. 
Blood Sugar Levels
Thinus Bosman - I can confirm to that. My sugar levels were constantly 14 - 20 . And some times over 20. Even though I am permanently om metformin and glycomin.
After I started taking moringa four months ago my sugar level has stabilised between 6 and 8. I will never stop taking moringa.
Menopause / Hypothyroid
Belinda La Grange - I wanted to tell you, I have been using the Moringa for 2 weeks, the Menopause and Hypothyroid, I have been batteling with severe vaginal dryness for over 2 years! NOTHING helped. Moringa has taken it away!! I feel like such a big change in my life has happened since I started taking the Moringa, I have energy again and I just feel an all over mood improvement too.
Wonderful Product
Elsabe Jordaan - I am using it for more than 2 years. Wonderful product.
Wonderful Product
Elize Jewaskiewitz Grobler - I've used Moringa for 2 months and it really is a wonderful product.
Anne Gorman - According to the drs and research a cartridge cannot be stitched or repaired successfully as the stitches just pull out again.
Only a full knee replacement is successful.
My arthuritus in my knee has been heeled with Moringa. I also use Magnesium Clysinate.
It has made a huge difference in my life.
I know we are all so desperate true facts and not all the fake stuff thats always advertised for finabcial gain.
Although my dosage of Moringa has decreased after 18 months I will never stop using it . It has to many other benefits.
I hope this is usefull for you.
Sending regards
Arthrits / Wrinkles
Desiree Edwards - You also get it in powder form which us what I've been using for my arthritis in both my knees. The arthritis was debilitating, needed to live on anti inflammatories daily, twice a day just to be able to walk. After using the powder for a couple of weeks I'm pain free and haven't used any anti inflammatory Tabs for weeks! My daughter uses the oil for acne and crows feet on her face after a few weeks that completely disappeared. Moringa is a great natural medication, I can highly recommend 👌
Sugar Levels 
Sarojini Sarah Sukhessan - That's so true. It works for me, my sugar is between 4.6 6.5, so happy that I am taking moringa life 
Jannie Matthee - Since using it for the past Year+, I am in control of my gout.
Linda Van Zyl - Moriga is baie goed. My man se suiker was 14,ons gister by dokter weer gaan toets, en hy het niks suiker meer nie. Dankie U Vader vir Moriga. Dit werk 100%
Patrick Magutla
No doctor is needed,I have type 2 diabetes and I have been using moringa for 3 months now and I am feeling better now. In fact it has healed me.
Joint Pain / Back Pain
Yolanda Gerber - The ordering was easy. Ordered on the Friday and received it on Monday morning and we live 450km away. On day 3 had some detox simptoms and my very arthritic inflamed middle finger started feeling better. On day 5 my sore knee also felt better. On day 10 my joints started to feel better overall. I have a really bad back and life has been really challenging the last couple of months. There has been some improvement but will possibly take some time to get better. It's been 3 weeks on the concentrate and I do feel far better. I am 61 years old and recommending this to everyone that will listen. Thank you.
Anne Gorman - Very easy to get it online. I got mine within a few days. Safe to order. You will not be disappointed. I had very bad knee pain with arthritis. After 3 months there was a 80% relief. Been taking it now for 2 years and I am pain free. It a fantastic product.
Kgalalelo Khambule
Since started taking Moringa I feel alive. I was always tired even thinking that I'm going to die, but after taking this product I feel alive again!
Makhate Shane Nqaks
I can be an ambassador for this product. After just two weeks of using it I can read without reading glasses and my sugar level is normal.

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