5 Ways Moringa May Help Ease Menopause Symptoms

Posted by Mark Lubbe on

Menopause is a natural phase of life that every woman goes through from about their late 40's and into their 50's.

Not only is it something that affects every woman, but at least two-thirds of menopausal women will experience a range of symptoms that may be uncomfortable or challenging.

Menopause symptoms include mood changes, night sweats and hot flashes, frustration and irritability, exhaustion, and fatigue, and even changes in appetite and libido.

Furthermore, menopausal women are at risk of a number of different diseases during this time, including type II diabetes and osteoporosis.

There are a few primary treatments for menopause, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, HRT often brings with it its own range of challenging side effects. This is why so many people turn to natural remedies and supplements instead.

Moringa is one such natural supplement that provides gentle, side-effect-free support for the entire body during menopause.

It's a wonderful all-natural option for helping women in this phase of their lives to minimize symptoms while looking and feeling their best.

Ready to make menopause less daunting? Find out how Moringa can help.

What Are the Key Symptoms of Menopause?

Every woman that goes through menopause experiences it differently, although there are a few hallmark symptoms and signs that characterize this hormonal process.

According to the Mayo Clinic, just a few of the side effects that you can expect when going through menopause include:

  • Irregular menstruation
  • Hot flashes, chills, and night sweats
  • Insomnia and other sleep-related issues
  • Mood changes
  • Increased irritability
  • Weight gain and a slowed metabolism
  • Dry and thinning hair and skin
  • Brittle bones and osteoporosis
  • Low energy levels
  • Hormonal imbalances

Menopause is a perfectly natural and normal biological process, and it's completely unavoidable. However, the physical symptoms that this process creates can disrupt your sleep cycles, negatively impact your physical and emotional health, and leave you feeling fatigued and demotivated. This is where Moringa comes into the picture!

How Moringa Can Help with Menopause Symptoms

Pure Moringa is a safe, effective, and nutritious supplement that may help to address and reduce many of the primary symptoms of menopause. Here’s how it can help.

Moringa can help to regulate hormonal imbalances

A study published in the journal Medscape General Medicine exploring the role of Moringa extract in treating age-related ovarian cancer found that the plant extract could down-regulate hormone receptors and G protein-linked signal transduction. This showed great promise as a treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer – a type of cancer that relies on estrogen to proliferate.

Moringa has also been shown to aid in reducing high levels of estrone, estradiol, and other estrogens in the body that cause most menopause symptoms. The plant does not suppress estrogen production. Rather, it regulates and balances it to help keep it in check while soothing symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings.

Moringa reduces inflammation

There is plenty of research to prove that Moringa can reduce systemic inflammation throughout the body. One study has even focused on this phenomenon in postmenopausal women. Research published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology assessed the effects of Moringa oleifera and Amaranthus tricolor leaf powder on the antioxidant profiles and oxidative statuses of 90 women aged 45-60 years.

The women who received 7g of Moringa and amaranth powder daily for three months displayed significant increases in serum retinol, ascorbic acid, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase; all of which are powerful antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation and associated symptoms such as pain and fatigue. Furthermore, these women displayed a reduction in fasting blood glucose levels, suggesting that Moringa could help to stave off another menopause risk factor: insulin resistance and type II diabetes.

Moringa is rich in antioxidants

Healthline notes that Moringa is packed with antioxidants; compounds that work against free radicals in your body to help your cells function optimally and minimize damage to them. High levels of free radicals can cause a range of chronic diseases like type II diabetes and heart disease. The antioxidants present in Moringa can significantly lower these free radical levels to keep you healthy for longer.

Moringa oleifera contains a wealth of powerful antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, chlorogenic acid, and quercetin, among many others. Quercetin has been proven to aid in lowering blood pressure and helping to prevent cardiovascular disease. Chlorogenic acid can help to keep blood sugar levels stable after meals, thereby aiding in the prevention of the development of insulin resistance and diabetes.

Moringa is an excellent source of calcium

Most women need to take calcium supplements during and after menopause. As women experience this transition in their lives, they lose around 10% of their bone mass, it is also noted that one quarter of these women are ‘fast bone losers’ and lose up to 20% of their bone mass during menopause, making calcium supplementation even more essential for them.

Once the post-menopausal stage has been reached, this rate of bone loss slows. This phenomenon is caused by fluctuations in estrogen, which controls bone metabolism. When estrogen levels drop, the body’s production of new bone cells does too. This leads to bones becoming weaker, more porous, and more susceptible to breakage. Calcium is critical for bone formation. But if menopausal women do not obtain enough calcium in their diets, it can leave them at risk for chronic osteoporosis and bone fractures later in life.

Luckily, Moringa is packed with bio-available calcium to provide everything the body needs to keep its internal structures strong. According to the Plants in Human Health and Nutrition Policy, 100g of fresh Moringa leaves contain 466mg of calcium, and 100g of dried leaves provide an impressive 2,240mg of calcium. 

Moringa is packed with vitamins and minerals

Moringa leaves are a rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. According to Healthline, a cup of chopped fresh Moringa leaves (21g) contains:

  • 2g of protein
  • 19% of your RDA of vitamin B6
  • 11% of your RDA of vitamin B2
  • 11% of your RDA of iron
  • 12% of your RDA of vitamin C
  • 8% of your RDA of magnesium

These nutrients are all essential for boosting your metabolism and keeping your energy levels stable throughout the day. 

Menopause can be a challenging time for any woman. But our Moringa Life products are here to help minimize your symptoms and revitalize your life.

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