Tuesday Workout Plans

Jessie Hilgenberg's Rock The Dress Workout

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Jessie Hilgenberg's Rock The Dress Workout

Every woman wants to feel confident when stepping out on the town. Get ready to turn heads with Jessie Hilgenberg’s signature Rock the Dress workout! ROCK ANY DRESS For a workout that will help you feel confident in any dress, look no further. This workout calls for supersets to keep your heart rate up—helping you burn fat and torch calories—and pushes you to lift heavy and build muscle in the 8- to 10-rep range. These are all the ingredients you need for an awesome, fat-burning, muscle-building workout. In this Rock the Dress routine, you'll work your shoulders, core, arms, glutes,...

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Arms Workout For Women: A Girl's Guide To Guns

Posted by Mark Lubbe on

Arms Workout For Women: A Girl's Guide To Guns

Who says biceps curls are for dudes only? Here's why every lady should be training her biceps and triceps for stronger, better-looking arms! Dayna Tappan Well-defined arms with lovely shape are the perfect accessory to your dream body. Plus, they make any sleeveless dress or tank top look even better. Don't shy away from curling hard and heavy. Trust me: Your arms are not going to rip out of your sleeves. Women don't produce nearly enough testosterone to make huge gains quickly. Even the biggest guys know that building a lot of muscle takes time. Shapely biceps and triceps are...

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